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Show :"' " "" " ' 1 . '.' " " Mt?n' ft.:"" ' . i ' i 1 - ' "s. ' -kif; ' ' ; -c-? 7 " V V- " K 11 '. -L 'i I I j. -TfS . " -: NEW STORE OWNERS : Dee and Bill KInsler pose in their new Western Auto Store and are celebrating their Grand Opening this week. The store will offer a full line of IN MILFORD THIS WEEK: merchandise. Bill and Dee urge you to come in and register reg-ister for the free prizes. DYU 'Voiuig Ambassadors' Highlight L.D.S. Youth Conference This Weekend old Milford gym. Mr. Alma Heaton from Provo will conduct con-duct this entertainment activity. ac-tivity. On Saturday night, following follow-ing the Young Ambassadors presentation, there will be a semi -formal dress dance to the theme "Stairway to Heaven", in the old Milford Gym, to the music of the Water Wa-ter Brothers Orchestra from Salt Lake. Youth 14 and over stake presidents and their wives will speak. Then at' 10 a.m. there will be a general gen-eral assembly youth testi-money testi-money meeting. All youth, ages 14 through 18, are urged to register and attend the conference. Those who do not attend will be missing out on a great experience ex-perience in their lives. Dress code for Friday evening and Saturday activities activi-ties will be pants suits and dress pants (no Levis). Sunday Sun-day best clothes for Sunday morning meetings, and as previously mentioned, the Saturday night dance will be semi -formal attire. are invited. Tickets will be sold at the door for those not holding conference registration registra-tion cards. Other youth conference activities include a general assembly meeting at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 29th, in the new Milford gym, where President S Dilworth Young and his wife will speak to the youth, and answer questions of the youth. Saturday, Satur-day, after lunch, there will be a youth panel discussion, where the youth will present questions and problems for discussion and answer by the youth panel. Following the panel discussion there will be three separate department depart-ment sessions with special speakers, at which the youth will rotate to each session. On Easter Sunday, March 30th, there will be a special sunrise service at 8 a.m. at which the regional representative, represen-tative, President LaMar Stewart and his wife will speak. Then at 9 a.m. there will be a split, young ladies and Aaronic Priesthood meeting, at which the three The BYU "Young Ambassadors", Ambas-sadors", a 75 -member musical mu-sical variety group, will perform per-form this coming Saturday, March 29th, in the new Milford Mil-ford High School Gymnasium at 6:30 p.m. The general public is Invited In-vited to enjoy their presentation. presen-tation. If you have not been contacted at your home, tickets tick-ets may be purchased at the door. Since 1970 this fast moving, mov-ing, contemporary troupe has thrilled millions all over the world. At Osaka, Japan, the Young Ambassadors were the only variety show from anAmerican university to perform at Expo 70. Following Fol-lowing tours of the Orient, Europe and the United States, the Young Ambassadors took their fun -filled performance to concert halls and television tele-vision studios In Central and South America in 1973. They have performed on several national television shows in the United States. Now it is our opportunity to personally personal-ly enjoy their performance In Milford this Saturday. The Young Ambassadors specialize in contemporary musical entertainment that bridges the generation gap. Accompanying them is a full stage band Including brass, woodwinds, rythm and strings. This special entertainment entertain-ment is only a small part of things in store for the young people who attend the Wuth conference in Milford, March 28th, 29th and 30th. There will be a get-acquainted mixer-type dance onFri-ky onFri-ky evening at 8 p.m. in the |