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Show DR. K. H. BROWN TO OPEN DENTIST OFFICE HERE Dr. KenneTh H. Brown plans to open his Dental Office here next week. The office will be located at the Milford Medical Clinic next door to Dr. Sy-mo.nd's Sy-mo.nd's office. Dr. Brown has for the past year been serving as Executive Dorector of the Christian Dental Den-tal Society, and internation organization or-ganization for the improvement of Dentistry in Developing Nations. Previously he has practiced in Kern County, Calif, and in Oregon. He is a graduate of the Oregon Ore-gon School of Dentistry at Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Brown (Donnal have 7 children, 3 of them living at home and will be going go-ing to the Milford schools. Their older daughter Carla is in Germany an an LDS Mission. Mis-sion. Julia is married and living liv-ing in Provo and attending BYU. Marnae is on an LDS mission to Brazil and Donella is in France, o.n a BYU Studies Abroad program. Sheryl a senior and Keith land Brent will be attending the Milford schools. Dr. Brown will be practicing full time and welcomes you to stop in. |