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Show THIS WEKK IN MINER'S VILLI? As Reported By GWEN I RYOR S The Minersville M-Men soft-ballers soft-ballers played in the regional tournament at Las Vegas last Friday and Saturday. Players and fans attending included Scott and Joyce Pearson, Elaine and Karen Marshall, Gill Limb, Mary Myers, Kent Marshall, Alton and Jean Carter, Roger and Sue Carter, Reed Carter, Ray Carter, Wayne and Merle Gillins. O Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks and family of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crane and family fam-ily of Murray, and Ray's sister sis-ter Patricia and family of California spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Armina Banks. Mrs. Vella Stephenson and Mrs. Russell Kearney of Kearns spent Sunday visiting relatives here. Mrs. Stephenson has sold her home in Cedar City and is moving to Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Eyre and Mrs. Daisy Gillins spent Saturday in Ely. Mr. and Mrs. Eyre attended the races and Daisy spent the day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Ruth) Hay-ward. Hay-ward. 9 The Literary Club had their annual outing Tuesday night. The husbands were invited to the affair, held at the Stock Show grounds. Hamburgers, corn and all the trimmings were served. O The George H. Eyre family reunion was held Saturday in the Minersville church, with 125 descendants attending. A luncheon was served, followed by a pragram and games. Also genealogy was worked on during dur-ing the afternoon. Hosts were the Gus Marshall family. Gil Limb, who is leaving on a mission, was honored at Continued on Page Three burn. c Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ashley Sr. have returned to their home in Romaland, Calif., after visiting vis-iting their son ,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ashley Jr. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan McKnight last week were their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKnight Mc-Knight and children of Salt Lake. The Mia Maids held their rose ceremony Sunday afternoon after-noon in the Relief Society room. Mothers were invited, and the girls were honored and received awards for their accomplishments. Mrs. Daisy Gillins celebrated her birthday Thursday, and a family party was given in her honor. Last week end Mr. and Mrs. Don Carter and family of Kearns visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Myers and children of Cedar City spent last week end with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Eyre of Lansing, Mich., were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dohn Martin, and visited relatives and friends. Mrs. Barbara Messinger and son Paul of Cedar City spent four days last week with her mother, Mrs. Effie Marshall. HERE'S MORE ABOUT O MINERSVILLE Continued from Page One church Sunday evening. Mack and Edith Armstrong and daughter Paula and Sim and Eloise Murdock, all of Cedar City, stopped in Minersville Miners-ville Sunday after attending the Golden Wedding anniversary anniver-sary in Beaver of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith . Jane Griffiths is spending a week in Las Vegas with her husband La Von, who is employed em-ployed there by the Union Pacific. Pa-cific. Last week visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bohn were their son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Kurtt Bohn and four children, also a sister of Mrs. Bohn, Mrs. Clara Evans of Stockton. Mrs. Evans also called on sisters Mrs. Gladys Myers and Mrs. Alta Kelsey. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chris-tensen Chris-tensen and children of Billings, Bill-ings, Mont., have returned home after visiting her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Black- |