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Show which to live and raise a family. fam-ily. I feel that the addition of the golf course will help make your lovely valley an even more attractive place i.n which to live and to visit, and I urge the support sup-port of the city fathers and the townspeople in this project. My thanks again for a most cleasant stay in your community. communi-ty. Sincerely, Bruce W. Wilkin 367 Granada Way Sparks, Nevada Dear Ed: Why! The people of Garrison would like to know WHY the Utah State Fish and Game allowed al-lowed the Game Warden of Delta Del-ta to kill (X) number of deer at the Cook Ranch in Gandy, Utah and WHY they took the hindquarters hind-quarters of some, left .some lay and hauled some away. WHY is Garrison such an orphan, or-phan, that we were not shown on your Centennial map, after donating money to your Lions Club for such. Thanks a lot, Milford Lions! Fred Ccnde A Brother Lion Ed's Note: Mr. Ccnde, I certainly hope that you are not as far off bae on t e f.nt pari, cf your l.tter, in (he deer kill, for whirh I have no knowledge or answer. However, I will txplain that latter part of your letter. First, there was no Centennial map made. A Milford brochure was printed, and paid for by various bu: iness people in Milford, and cpomored by the Milford Businessmen's Busin-essmen's Assn. The Milford Lions at this point have contributed nothing towards th's brochure, and neither have you, though the Business As;n. will welcome 'Contributions from you both I'm sure. The map on this brochure does not lift Garrison, but it does advertise Highway 21 as the shortest route to the Bay area and the Pacific Northwest hoping to attract more tourist traffic over this route, thereby benefiting thoce who sell to the tourM. or motorist. In this vein Lehman Caves was placed on the map, because It is a tourbt attraction and could be the deciding de-ciding factor on which route a tourh-t might take to reach his destination. Garrison, like Milford Mil-ford is seldom a destination, but is most often just a pass-through pass-through point for someone who wishes to go someplace else. By providing a brochure pointing point-ing out to the traveling public the advantage of traveling Hi-way Hi-way 21 and tho.e attractions which they might wish to see on this route, both Milford and Garrison should benefit. I believe that this should uniuffle your feathers, but in the event, you still feel that Garri on should be on the map on the Milford brochure, on receipt re-ceipt of your check to help pay the co:t of the next printing, the brochure conimi'.tU.'e will take it under consideration. Red .a . Q) Dear Editor: Recently I had the opportunity opportuni-ty as a medical student from the University of Nevada - Reno, of spending a 3 week preceptor-ship preceptor-ship with Dr. Symond and Med-ex Med-ex Mary Wiseman and staff at Milford Medical. After observing observ-ing the practice of medicine in your community during this time, I feel confident that there is no place in the nation where the populace receives more competent com-petent and dedicated medical care. You also have a fine hospital hos-pital and staff, and I am sure that the citizens of your area will agree that you are provided provid-ed with really excellent medical service at very reasonable costs. Please convey my thanks to Dr. Symond and everyone for making mak-ing my stay a most pleasant and rewarding experience. I was pleased to see the community com-munity spirit and support of your upcoming Milford Centennial Centen-nial Celebration. I was bom and raised in Pioche, Nevada, and my maternal grandfather and ,great-grandf ather, Herbert White and William White of Summit, freighted between Milford Mil-ford and Pioche from the 1870's through the 1890's. I have grown up with an interest in and appreciation for the history of this part of the West, and I the time to commemorate the founding of the community and am pleased to see Milford take tax during the initial selling period. After this initial period the price will be $5.00. Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to a worthy cause, possibly to finance a museum to preserve Milford Treasurers which have been exposed during this Centennial Cen-tennial period. Milford has. a colorful and wonderful past, and much of it has been uncovered during this celebration. A historical his-torical society could be formed, which could proceed to keep this past alive for all to enjoy. Sale of these books is one way to finance their work. Red Dear Mr. Wilson, Am enclosing check for $16.75 to cover cost of 3 copies of "Milford's First 100 Years" and one copy of George Horton's "A History of Milford". I am a former resident of Milford (born in Newhouse -now one of your ghost towns). Roamed the hills of several mining min-ing camps until they were able to "run me down to put shoes on me" and brought me to Milford Mil-ford in 1917 left Milford in 1949 when the Pacific Fruit Express Co. closed down icing operations. Yours truly, H. V. Carlson Ed's Note: Bless you! The Centennial Cen-tennial Committee hopes to sell enough of the "Milford's First 100 Years" to pay the printer. The printer hopes they do also. For this reason the price of the book was held to only 3.50 plus pay tribute to the pioneers who 'helped to develop this part of the country. I congratulate the Centennial Committee and. the townspeople for their work and efforts in bringing about this Centennial celebration. While in Milford I also had the opportunity of helping Norman Nor-man Lamb, Carl Thompson, Jack Davis and others of The Milford Golf Association in designing de-signing a golf course on the property - which was recently donated for this purpose. I examined ex-amined the area several times and I feel that the soil conditions condi-tions and contour of the land combine to make this a really choice location for building a golf course. You have the potential po-tential for developing one of the finest golf courses In the state. I agree with Dr. Symond that as time goes by more and more people are beginning to realize that the quality of life in rural communities such as Milford continues to make them more attractive as places in |