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Show orders and seedlings we handle, we cannot substitute species and make refunds. All orders received re-ceived this year that we cannot can-not fill due to lack of stock will, be filled next year. Plan your windbreak, Christmas Christ-mas tree, wildlife habitat, erosion ero-sion control or reforestation or planting new and order seedlings immediately. TREE AND SHRUB SEEDLINGS STIUL AVAILABLE Seedlngs frr-m the State Forest For-est Nursery are still available', but if you'rr interested in planting plant-ing this sprirg, get your order in quickly. Some species are completely sold cut this year. However, the following items are still available: avail-able: sand cherry, Siberian pea, black locust, Russian olive, honey locust, ash, golden willow, wil-low, Austrian pine and Ponder -osa pine. Minimum order size is 100 plants per species. The seedlings canrot be used for ornamental or landscaping purposes and cannot be sold as living. Due to the large volume of |