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Show Montana. Ronald Thompson, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Veez-ey, Veez-ey, visited last week wi'h them. Mrs. Veezey and Mrs. Maria Brinkman went to Salt Lake and returned Rona'd home to his parents, and , -Hf visited their other 1 while i.n the city. Wre ft1 Mr. and Mrs. Art Wi- W have had their grandson ! Chico, Calif, visiting th m ' last week. 8 em e ! SOUTH MILFORD Mrs. Clair Gillins Mrs. Maude Veezey and Betty Bet-ty Naruse were in Salt Lake and Mrs. Ronald Thompson and children came back with them and visited a week with Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Veezey. Ronald came from Salt Lake and his family returned home with him. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roberts last week were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kelbet, Mrs. Maxine Vanden-burgh Vanden-burgh and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Roberts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson and children of Palmdale, Calif, visited with Mr. and Mrs. The-man The-man Walker last week. They were also here to see Mrs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Grace Wadsworth at the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Craft of Whittier, Calif, called on Mr. and Mrs. Max Price on their way to Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Bidgood, former residents, accompanied them to |