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Show LUNT MOTORlo " Selling DODGE CHRYSLER DODGE TRUCKS RANCHO TRAILERS and CAMPERS DEPENDABLE USED CARS SEE VEE WABSWORTH Fhone 586-6591 or 586-9636 Lee's Corner Drug COMIMUNE OFHOOL NHS The first day of school is Monday, August 28 and the Corner Drug is the place to pickup those much needed school supplies. Tablets, Pencils, Typing Typ-ing Paper, Spiral Notebooks and all the other items which you need to get top grades .Come in now, stocks are complete! COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND LEE'S CORNER DRUG Fountain and Prescription Service Film Cosmetics Magazines Toiletries Sundries Emergency Prescription Service 387-5560 or 387-5535 NORTHEAST FURNITURE 920 NORTH MAIN, CEDAR CITY, UTAH t , - ; .v . -J -. : - : -.--3 (' AUGUST I V! j FURNITURE K V I TRADE-IN 1 h"J month BRINGHURST Local Salesman CExcept, tnt$$be your Aunt Flo.) MILFORD STATE BANK A FRIENDLY BANK FOR ALL THE PEOPLE All Accounts Insured Up to $20,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation yc Ibairgaoon baseififiiSflt opetros at I , I ""N. That's when low evening y- rates for Long Distance calls begin. So instead of r-X J J waiting until 7:30 or 8 V tonight to call the family, why not call earlier? You'll get " the same bargain prices, and you'll probably stand a better chance of catching the folks at home. Remember, low evening rates begin at 5 p.m. every weekday. Three minutes for just 850 or less when you dial direct, out-of-state, Monday through Friday anywhere in the country except Alaska or Hawaii. Low direct-dial rates apply to most out-of-state calls. 7i?,iIe.ct"diaI rates d0 not aPP'y to coin phones, credit card, collect, person-to-person, hotel-guest calls or to calls charged iw! iMer.nUmber-Wheredirect-dialin9 facilities are not available, direct-dial rates apply to operator-handled station-to-station calls. (2) Mountain Bell BSCifi HOMECOMING DrW CELEBRATION i U I ART FtOUieR SHOUJ ?J UUpOTcR, I CARWAL 4 61& DAMS Bgr I |