Show fiNE HORSES AT T fAIR Sho College to tn Show on oil Secretary of thin tho Fair luh Is busy bUllY laying out hi large colored posters for fm the corn cam camIllI lug IllI state fair They lII lure 1110 gorgeous at I n nil the tho of I itu colors not nol hit the raInbow tue tho do are arll 1111 uI I tithing tO In itt at attract tract to ho thin tho moans ot of materially the at attendance The Thc feels the receipt o of letters daily mom lS and grow In vailous RIlous sections of oC the tho country In the tho fall fair V n it Lewis or of Wayne Ills Iliff wiltes I nm hUn lint with It IL tin lot of hoIsts till tilO best we 0 have lucre hero will In the Porche ron roil Draft and French Coach uch I shall shah need seven Hoen stalls ho sides II a feed stall you please UI ar tango so o that J h dull have hao hO stalls 11 II I My present is III to have my ICY horses hero the o of next mund go gi through IJ by In char o Cf f or of thy men John r 1 it lite Ill I I 1 aid I ii at tho III tu I wiltes The college wishes 10 hi make an lit at your fall alt o iii cattle hogs hogsand antI and n asks for fOl about ir IG stalls for tito Iho t summit hOlo n 0 Intend about live urns liens of oC pigs and we would like to III 1111 reserved It Sum 11 our to 10 show n it fair uTI oJ n mt eat tin und hogs hint were not represent represented ed cd nt at your fairs other othel tIld so 50 add to the tho live Iho will ho bo pure lured two II ut were raIsed In aim the tho cal col tego |