Show i I WI MAUER LAKE I 1 iT NI Night I 1 H Sire Sine Presents MAY ROBSON Actress 01 on The Tho greatest stage in III th this latest the thui of Ile till 11 Hue aue tosses MARY thy ANNA ANA 1 r O e lOl 0 IIO M nee lice e to h l LX 00 Sno Halo no Itow on in 2 1 1 s tea l Lute 11 lt In 1 III A of ofT T ETRE Both 3 ADVANCED livery Pa D Except I un 1 TilE T OF F BOSTON TON TF liros Three lnor Vincent Blanchard IS rime rho Two Pucks Pocks The fhe Evening tc c Boxes 0 10 o C rc S SV VIe V 1 GRAND THEATRE I l AM 1 Cox Mat Saturday THE COMPANY THE Bele Belle of Richmond 4 A COl COMEDY DY H Nights c W tc rc MatInees e I Next I lg lAIRY THE NEW lYRIC John lohin E II Manager angor TilE TiE Moving pictures that and sins sing uro 1 in character College Boys DOYs Zuler Lee Zer a CachinG Dutch Dute Webb Ive taken quite a fancy to Molln you 01 Imitation Ivo ot of David in tito Iho Music Master II fron from Dr told Mr lr hyde Hydo Ilon MOVIN PICTURES The Tho Village Gossips The Tho Son and Donkey Danko 1111 and JIm Is fond or o garlIc Afternoon 11 1 2 to 43 ItS evenings 30 to Ii Mate lO lOc even ovell evenings lols ings 1 lO lOc antI c half price READ lm THEATRE MAGAZINE F FOR t NEWS 1 AN STAGE Why keep a cow Use The Natural Flavor CHAMBERLAIN D MUSIC CO SAY a OP 51 and 63 53 Main St St Organs Organ sheet meals and musical iris 1 Store Coal You Wi Will Not Regret It CENTRAL COAL COKE CO 38 So Main St Dol Dx as 35 md o Bug Killer ants roaches 11 cli anima animal lied alden insects Instantly 0 ox pesky brown hown pest that disturb your slumbers like I a tip on coo helm JAru bottles Special price b by slon to hotels hotos Hoth phones Ito Ho the tho number MAIN STREET Coo Ceo T Dru Co 0 Pretty II iii flUffy can find the new in jewelry es for wear in Stock Catchy designs and prices are the features SALT LAKE crry 0 flax I 1 I j f lt f 1 I C 1 I f J I I Z C M I 11 SATURDAY 7 MoneySaving Opportunities Await AwaitI I You at Z C M I IAl It t Al All Long Lisle and Long Sik Silk i Splendid qualities q The texture is is and ond the I workmanship lp and finish the lie very best I in j p tl every detail l Your choke choice next week at atI lal rice I CORSET SPECIALS The nw now models dl t for Fall al wear timid 1 h or are k A chic too prIce reductions embrace our 01 o ij I 13 Corsets Corot Corset 1111 nail Girdles 01 thirty st styles los In WI ym mien eI lInes and Fornis Bros popular makes malte values values for SOo VI values OO values I G e values values I f c 27 for fori I i L values tor 50 30 values for tor 12 values for Oe Iro 10 values HOO values cc 60 volumes for 16 ft t j CARPET SIZE C The t floral I and o Oriental patterns An n t sire variety to tn select I f TOm remit remitI I I 13 feet Ceet 11 by 1 Ii fed Tapestry DuS J l regular price 1500 now ow 11 0 0 t I 9 feet Ct by 12 1 fc feet t Tapestry Rug Hug 12 I 00 regular price now fi feet by 1 22 feet l tT Quality IIO d it j I price 2500 now 19 00 r t foot h by 1 12 feet Extra x tr L Quai Quality ty Tapestry ln ft I t regular price 2600 now nowr 20 0 0 I r S feet I inches his by 10 feet G 6 inches i regular 01 0 now w 19 Oo 00 a 8 feet I filches io 10 feet 6 IJ J JJ J I Hug Bugs regular now 2000 v vl 9 l feet by 12 feet regular 11 22 50 2800 now I 0 feat foet by br 12 1 feet Hugs regular OA 1 OW 00 p 9 feet by 12 feet Extra Quality lono Ax I 1 regular ISOO now 30 0 0 I I feet b by 12 feet teet regular 1800 now 3 9 0 Cot feet by 12 feet foet OIl Velvet regular V 1 1 I J price 2600 JOW iott 2000 pc 9 feet h imy 12 1 feet 1101 Velvet regular II L price SO now 2300 f II feet by I 12 feet Wilton regular a at t price 1100 now 37 00 1 1 9 Cot feet by 12 fel feet Body Brussels I IU I I d regular price IIO no 26 5 0 12 feet by t ig feet Hugl n 1 40 0 price Mo 0 n 0 I I OUR DRUG STORE IS 15 AT SOUTH MAIN HAIN ST I al CUTLERS IC an 1 5 ST Weve Had Made THE ORGINA KI KNIT GOODS Especially For Us HOUSE OP OF UTAH FIne I ine White QUILT WOOL 1 M BLEACHED FROM GREASE r I i This steele Il lies been from tho finest of oC wool nl neil hM has M been cleaned Ind and wih with care car M I It WI wait rondo especially ocl l for us and 10 we that I It he be i K ly and an also perfectly white U f r Its Its the rol roll io 10 o Off Vi Now Noi is III the time to make quilts and comforters and search where k l lU u wi oll never fifth hotter wal than cola nolo our Q M Mk k k FOR COVE COVERS R Rg g Clan Can ho he easily enly front Crom OUI our o hue flY any you youn n desire Is e Ie and our very ory pleasing Y to you HNIT Is bot af r I I ATTENTION Is s the Ilie wool you have s stored ored in various parts 01 the State insured insure against lre fire I if not you hould give us tn an order to protect you immediately No telling when a fire firo might occur We can a policy for any length of timo I desired and give you protection 1 WrIte u today loday for particulars nOME HOME FIRE INSURANCE co OF UTAH I HEBER J L GRANT o it AND COMP I IGENE GENE GENERAL AGENTS roo Sll t SI Salt lol Lake City ST MARYS ACADEMY SALT LAKE UTAH anti and Day School or youn lodic Complete Ind sail Commercial Musse and SCHOOL OPENS SEPT l t apPly to o all brO or hitti I mask soy any ot of base baseI I Just 11 tant w with III ti I KA FLOUR FLOURI I 11 others All 1 iza U Fat FON ZALk 2000 Lonn Wool Rums hams Pure lulo nr J rI 1111 I and the best 11 II Ihl leHt bAa I o III I iii ways al lt Ili U 10 duron d 11 11 11 HV f W 11 Il lr r 1 BUH UTON J Head of DiU BIj CottonWOod Open Monday July 6 Hoa HoaI toUl p or ll WP 0 lt telephone itt 1 a I in Iu I T I O C DA VU loUl lieu lieuX p X U f n A tin tho I Hell el 1 V vv v |