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Show Farm Housing Loan Program Expanded An expanded farm housing loan program designed to speed up farm building con struction and improvement as well as act as an additional anti-recession measure was announced recently by Blaine Blackett, Farmers Home Administration Ad-ministration county supervisor. supervis-or. Borrowers may use loan funds to build, improve, or repair re-pair farm houses or other essential es-sential farm buildings, and to provide water for farmsteads and household use. Mr. Black- ett said that in addition to financing fi-nancing major construction, the loan funds can help meet many oth-jr needs for farm and home modernization, such as adding bathrooms, utility rooms, better kitchens, and many other improvements to the home as well as to farm service buildings. The loans are made to farm owners who need credit to finance fi-nance building improvements or repairs, but find that adequate ade-quate credit is not available through banks or other regular regu-lar credit channels. The interest rate is 4 and loans may be amortized over periods up to 33 years. |