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Show 80-Year Legion Family Eighty years of American Legion membership is the record ..( y the husband and wife team of Frances and Cy I'aumier, both of n hom are 40-year and life, members of Canton Post i t of Canton. Oh-.o. Cy joined the Legion while he was still in uniform and witiun tno days after his discharge, from service in July 1919. Frances became a Legionnaire in Cleveland the same rear when she returned from duty as an Army nirse. Prior to W orld It ar 1 site, served on the Mexurtu border. The two Legionnaires were married in 1925 and and hate been leaders in the Canton Post ever since. Cy has held un elected office in all except one year of his 40 years' membership. An eommnnarr in 1949, he led Canton to an all-time high enrollment of 3.61H. tram-es was child welfare chairman for 20 yeais and was one of the leaders of a successful drive to set up a child welfare bureau in the Canton Police Department. |