Show LIVESTOCK CHICAGO Chicago March 12 about Market steady Sleeves 4 co cows 60 s and heifers 0 calves caKes calvn westerns 40 60 stockers S ummI O feeders Hogs about 20 steady Lights 4 4 mixed heavy 70 rough pigs 37 Sulk bulk of or smiles sales 46 bul Sheep Receipts about 10 market strong Natives 7 6 westerns Os yearlings lanka lambs uGO ilU westerns KANSAS CITY Kansas City March Re Ito Receipts CI Including 2 Mar Market lar hot ket strong 30 Native steers na no noto ll stockers tivo cows and to aim feeders bulls buit buls 3 calves western wester steers steerE SO western co cowS s COWl wester IMO Market Ia steady Bulk Dulk ot of sales sules 4 hen packers anti and 43 lights 4 4 pigs olga CC Market Markel steady lambs Iambi range runge 1 fed letS owes elves OMAHA OMAIA Omaha Mardi March 12 Cattle Receipts Market native und and stronger Native steers cows and aid heifers heifer 6 10 western s 3 G Texas foXes culva heifers coil can canners ads ners stockers and feeders reders ner 48 calves 30 GO bulls buhI buls and stags 3 Hogs Receipts Market steady Heavy mixed light Ight 42 leavy 4 pigs bulk of or sales Isles Sheep Receipts 43 Market steady Lambs higher Yearlings W lambs 1015 5 aO owes ewes |