Show II i iNo No matter maller how careful you Uro are you will be satisfied that pou you are arc going to get exactly I what you bargain for loney Back Bacle shoe shoel mean absolute to the purchaser advAnce nce style for Spring are now you should see lee and Rubbers for tills this kind of wea we a ie cr r that will ll keep your feet dry ry and give you comfort Sizes iI zee and widths at nt prices that Hat are consistent with liMon ty y Back Ba k dealings DAVIS SHOE CO COt COi t i The foundation of robust I health is 19 what is allowed to enter the mouth The more simple the diet the more mere perfect the health i D PRICES PRICE S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD is plain pure and wholesome easily y digested prevents con constipation constipation constipation ea 45 JO TO cents a package For salo by all nil No use theorizing as to tot 1 t whether coffee coffe is IS harmful J f Stop It and anti use useS user I S Y r r r i iI Y J r rr I s l Y j 10 to days to get facts farts Y Theres a Reason r i x o 4 v I f j t w I TH 8 The remodeling or of the building in in no way ers with the the stores store s business Indeed trade was never Defter beer at this this season of the year It is a I iii le early for f or spring goods We vv e c are therefore pushing heavier heavier merchandise merchandise dise reducing stocks preparatory to the the removal of certain departments all I t of which winch means lowered prices prices Never were goods sold on such close mar Inar margin marin gj gin in as at a t this particular time I 1 q Suit Department Specials 1 Children Childrens s Department I IFor iFor For Saturday S Saturday atur d ay Specials f jf f j Tarns Tams Bear Bearskin f Features F skin stile and Astrachan in ea t ures navy white whit and red L r rs s Regular 15 and r The Annual linen Sale J closes Saturday All week weeklong GIRLS BUSTER o long customers have nave crow crowded BROWN BROWNi J i ded tie the department have DRESSES j commented com mente d on the tea h admirable d 1 Aj I Girls Buster Brown r able quality and the very Dresses only a small a low prices prices An interesting 7 line linc left Panama j jJ J glove g I ove sale sa 1 e IB IS is scheduled Be h e d I eor d for forthe f and un unfinished t tl finished serges in inthe n mm r l the day The Millinery blues bites browns red it n 4 l section section is is closing out un untrimmed and grays ages 6 to tod 12 Ia years ears Regular it trimmed d hats h ats at a a song 6 values and 89 9 I nearly giving them away Mothers will be interested CHILDRENS TOQUES in learning g that th t the strong strongest To close out at a loss I ss Balance of left leftovers est cst bargain ba gaIn prices on boys overs o rs former sale 65 and values Perfect 1 and girls apparel the store m condition I ever offered are now in in BOYS AND INFANTS 0 Special for vogue prices SWEATERS Saturday are made on many Coat and V r neck effects all r popular lines 1 of f Men Mens M 1 or 0 en s furnishings colors i to The big shoe sale sa will cwill close III i Saturday evening Shoes INFANTS LEGGIN DRAWERS 1 Finest all wool woot best sold ld ch I were never never as a S cheaply eap y to close out Olit at as right now Excellent 1 Boys lloys long overcoats ages 8 to 16 years d vantages are arc offer offered 0 f regular 6 to 12 one Olin half price I ed in in waists waists The big bi sale BOYS REEFERS i 1 I on china and little lime articles I Smart Stuart effects Many of them desirable the household will end d tor end f c spring weights ages ag s 2 12 I to 10 to I years values t Saturday Saturday candies candles 5 upward Reduction New Nets model mode m flare are gored Panama Panana skirts will wil be a feature The BOYS NORFORK SUITS trimmed with silk folds A leader spring hosiery sale is IS drawing g to toa in Black blues and Boys n Norfolk r suits to style and quality ys ages 15 IS 17 browns Special l 1075 a close c I o e Emphatic E mp h rc d Straight cut trousers Regular 6 to 9 ions women in a s II underwear underwear j Iy I Handsome Coats j Many opportunities in ini in length loose coats in covert suit suit jackets i skirts i dresses i Saturday Waist W aist Special cloth mixtures nit black kersey Mersey Throughout the I novelty or lures etc store stare tt Tailored T 1 d Waists T t at t half I If price rice at ore als 5 a one la p cloth values to 1250 Special at tempting tem tin bargains bar ains are the black kersey or p class Tailored waist made of Any length dp High fancy full frill coat in stock at order or d cr of 0 f the t I Ie day d ay mercerized linens Repp and ant Reductions of and less l ss on all Madris Cloth Gibson and plaited styles other cloth coats for either r street or evening eveningwear Concert C once l v Saturday S au t d day ay for wear E 27 for BALANCE OF Or FUR COAT STOCK Evening ng 34 for Values T a 1 up to t 03 75 0 to t 0 close c 1 0 S e at a 1500 OO 95 for yil c f Values T a I ues up to t 0 00 to close C los e at a t I 1975 19 75 or r 24 8 S 5 45 for f or r 2 I Values up to to close at 2750 Fur The last day or of our Ladies Underwear Neck furs ru s values to at t Linen Sale Odds and ends in Sterling Sll union suits Values s to your choice of any neck neckpiece Ill vests and tights in silk and lisle wool and k Q 1 Every E yard d of fL Linen reduced d d 0 piece II yar men re uce 1195 cotton collon and cotton Half short of Table T Linen price l lAll All mink furs reduced one third 1000 length Ladies adies black wool tights ranging in from rom to 8 each cae All I prices from to A few odd sizes sizes i i from 1 12 to 3 i iThe The Tk Dozen Napkins All sizes from to Dozen i 1 4 x Shoe ShoeS Ladies ll S Sale a 1 e Special S peCla 1 Sale S a 1 e inn I Fits Saturday y is shoe day Jay for the children chen ildr Saturday S t d H Hose ii i iL Some So extra inducements inducement s for them in shoes a ur ay ose L DaYS BOYS 1 lot ox of trimmed hats h u that arc worth and on bargain at SOc each i tables bibles We still have sonic some splendid values in BOYS DaYS SHOES 1 lot lot 1 or 0 of f untrimmed d cashmere hose also some plain cotton in black and black with white feet values good solid wearers sizes siz s 2 12 to 6 hats at each to Special three pairs for i 1 BOYS SHOES 1 lot of untrimmed nothing better made regular all leath leathers hats at each Specials For c Saturday in J l ers erSt There window i was a Mens Men s Wear Vicar MISSES SHOES Sizes n II I 12 2 to 2 in Kid Dongola and display of these hats The last day to secure Winter underwear Box Calf Cali button or lace Thursday Tl rada y G Friday Frida Y at the Suits low 10 prices at al offered alTered I MISSES SHOES 4 O Suits Stets at 95 shots shoes with style J fit Ii It and t wearing qualities qua It I ICS Shirts Latest Creations Regular in neckwear and Saturday for Cor i CHILDRENS SHOES Special Rem Remnants R Domestic D em eln I sizes SIZ S 5 to t 0 8 INFANTS nants all snort short Candy Specials For over twenty styles all sizes izes Saturday ien lengths 1 eng tl lS every yd d SHOES Boxes Bores of Duchess Dainties have I Ion Sample pair on table at Half Price sold old regularly for a box and arc worth I Every r pair pir of shoes in ill stock at every cyer hit bit of it As an extra special for Cor or for box big reductions i lis Saturday only Dilly 15 cents a large s lJ |