Show TIlE THE EARTH REVOLVES Visual sua I Proof ot or to l lie bo o Made nt ut Columbia New Ness York Jan lG VI Ual proof rOOt that th t the earth revolts levoie Is Ig to bo be b made mado nt at fol Col ci In III February by Profs Jacoby anti nna nil B 8 A Mitchell The Tho ThoV plan V adopted by 11 Faucault In in HI Ml J 1 Is to bo be used u eJ fly liy moans means of at a 11 long ions d from time tho dome domo of ot no hO Jn h lie he proved that tho tha piano Sir th the oscillation oc or time the pendulum would shift in time the seine e lue direction ns as the lie tit if f the tho th mm sun or 0 to th rotation ot or the tho ho In the tho experiments experiment ti n Colum Column Ida la n a i pendulum of ef inno wire ire 01 SI feet bug one a n heavy It weight will be swung vung In Iii the dome of St S Pauls chapel chopel built bUill nt at tho the university last lut year oal |