Show E H HARRIMAN MUST ANSWER All Al Questions Put by Interstate Commerce Commission With Wih Two Exceptions RELATE TO And Declaring of the Famous Dividend on Stock in August 1806 1906 Otto Otti Oto 11 Ii 1 Kulin Also Iso Hits Hus to So SoU s SoU U S Judge Dc Do Today la New Jan 16 E n It was directed In a a decision given by Judge Rough Hough in the tho United nl d States Sta e cir circuit cult court today to answer all al ques questions questions tons propounded to the tha Inter Interstate Interstate interstate state commerce commission except those tose relating to 10 the purchase ot of Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroad nd stock in connection with wih the tho dividend of August Judge Hough also directed Otto H U Kuhn of ot Kuhn Loeb Co to answer all al questions asked him by the tho Inter Interstate interstate state commerce commission Tho The questions to which Mr Ir linen Ham maim mil objected related to the tho of ot the stock of ot other railroads ml oads In trio tIle Interest ot of the tue Union Pacific In regard to tho the of Illinois Central purchased at nt 75 a n share the que ques questions tlona which Mr r HarrIman declined to answer aro are ns as follows Were the tho shares sold lold by bY your yourself self eh Mr Rogers and Mr pooled Was WIS It acquired for tor the thc purpose of or It to the tho Union Was ras the stock purchased by you ou at ata a n much lower price than with wilt th intention of ot turning It over ver to ito tho th Union Pacific Did you ou havo have any IY Interest In the lie Ii sharon shares sold soh at at tho tIle time by the tho Kuhn Loeb Co to tho tim Union Unbolt Ia Pa Pacific chic Were the shares acquired by bytho bytho bythe tho the same sante the purpose ot of soil Bell BellIng Ing to tho the Union Pacific On thu subject of ot the Union Pailo dividend which advanced advance from rain a ii rate ot of 6 G to 10 per pent per Aug AuA 15 1806 with a I consequent rise In the tock Block Mr Harriman declined to un mu 11 the following Were ere ero you o directly or r t inv huls In forested In any stocks that thal were bought between n tho thu th of ot July and the tho of ot August that appreciated Did Dd you or any I director bu any nn Union Pacific Pallo and Southern Pacific stocks In 11 anticipation of ot that dividend divi dead dEd Mr HarrIman HaIman is sustained fn n his objections to tho the tho Union divi dividend dl question The Tho questions which Mr Kuhn refused refined to answer hall hail to todo todo todo do with tho tue rel connection o of ot Kuhn Loch Loeb Company with wit tho lila purchase o ot stock In the Chicago Alton and Id the thc Illinois Central Contral and what proportion nf of tt tho the stock stoc so HO purchased was wal held for tor forthe tho the directors ot or the tho Union |