Show 5 WOOL ST LOUIS St SL April Wool Territory 11 11 Ita 1 and it 19 fine mio mediums 17 fine 12 15 IG BOSTON April IS I The local wool situation tion continues cout fillIes un Trade 1 Is antI and t transfers musters have been few almoNt wholly confined to small email lots California northern county 50 r 3 lull fall tree free Oregon eastern No 0 1 staple J In lilt 1 No Nil 1 clothing valley allo No 1 lino IIno staple line lIneIn medium In etl iu in staple lut ophe 55 S S ii 60 56 line hue mod S IiO lino IIno clothing clo 55 rI 4 62 bloods 42 43 41 extra 2 line A 3 j 57 A supers H |