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T";-.i.-i-ville, flali, has nicil aolice of iinci -ion to cv,!;, j KVI , , ,isacc: l land ci.-iim Xc MS. for (in- S W S E Sec I I. Tp -II S. it 1. V-ld aci-cs bcioic tlic County Clerk of Wash i mtou Couiit.'.-, a' yi. C.-coe:ic. Uf tli, on the (I'll ayi'l' Sciil'-mliev. M s lie naines the followiic iOH'-ses to proe flic ccnplcic ii-ei-ntiiaL am eciaiuaiiou of s.-tia land: 'c,-tiou F. Si:t,d: :eii.jr.iilin II. Foi-.-vmi, V.'iliil-.in Thcidmlil !m, Ians Andcr.-ion, nil of Toquei'villc, Ulal). L. Ii. (iii.iT, Fr.imk D. Horns. Attorney. RogMor. Fii-st puMlcation, July 30, lSi'S. "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, or DUR SAVIOR IN ART The Greatest md most sut-ee-irful book o lie ago. Cost 100, 000. CC ;o prod ace it.' i0 intelliguiu merge tic agents wanted a me-: to canvass tiio suutlicrr part of tliis state. Gooc inducements. For particii-ai's particii-ai's address: The Elder Publishing Co. Vlrs. Julia A. Pace, Mgr. Hid Cor ro sponden t, fjt. George, Utah. T.iS 'iY YORK WORLD. 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Lake I'ity, and a e'epy will b - -cui them f'-e'e. ( ot tielaa or fa.il .0 :ake advinaf . yl ibis rena.i kakiy iihera! oac'r .virleh a e mala- f-a a 1 ' m :',ee oak , : 'pecia1 a a-aagc'iienc ihi the p.ibkeh-;:rs p.ibkeh-;:rs I h'.m mbi'i' we , ...! feih pap-ts it: iui : vea.r Ct fir. vary (.rv ;. j,-: j,-: -.f.u. .!eviria ail " .1 . ,; ; ' ' kii 1 a ai-'i Co (,;' i' Nt; v a, 1 --'1 ConoY, plcii |