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Show OUR CORESPONDENTS, Items of Nos Gathered by Our Alert Correspondents. TilE JT.IXCII'AI. EVENTS Ct THE WEEK. From Nearly Every Town in Washington Wash-ington County a. id Adjacent Portions of Arizona and Nevada. PtXTO. The 24th was observed as Maine Memorial day and. impressive services were held.: Patriarch H. Luiv is here from Mexico. Mex-ico. He was with us through the holi-;T holi-;T ivs and added zest to our enjoyment. We regret that his eyesight is very poor. Pioneer Day was celebrated on Monday, Mon-day, July, 25. Many people had gone to Panguitch lake, among others Bro. Tullis and family, with the exception of two lictle boys who were left at home to take care of the cows and a helpless sister. The beys determined to have a high old time all to themselves them-selves and commenced Saturday by getting a horn of gunpowder, lighting a match and pouring the powder npon it. Result: Horn exploded and two as deplorable looking objects as could be imagined crying for help. Sister Mary Thornton took the-m in charge and has nursed them carefully. We think no serious results will follow. Otntp. Pinto, Utah, July 20. 1898. |