Show IT WAS MIAS SOME CIRCUS the circus given by the west ward al I 1 asins last friday night was a big success from every point of view the object abject was to raise money to help pay tor for their piano and they succeeded in raising 75 after clearing expenses the playing of the band at announced that the circus was open and the basement of the tabernacle was soon crowded with people who had come out to enjoy the doings the large room had been nicely arranged for the occasion there being stalls for different purposes all being decorated and nicely arranged there were tables and seats where one could sit down and enjoy the de licious ice cream cake punch etc that was sold and make themselves comfortable in the cool breeze of electric tans there were gipsy fortune tellers three of them mrs birs edith kiett miss alias mable jarvis and miss bliss florence forsha setting in their leafy camps with the usual iron pots suspended pen ded from wooden tripods over fires they looked like real gypsies and like real they fleeced their victims out of their good money what they told their victims vict viet was just jus t about as true as the usual gipsey fortune teller tells perhaps truer the were fish ponds too and the fishing was good shortly after opening a program was rendered which opened ath a reading by john T woodbury wooda ury followed in succession by a brass quartet a whistling solo by ruby nelson accompaniment by her sister miss bliss bianche nelson a piano duet by blanche and ruby nelson a piano solo by miss bliss gertrude fawcett the program Ani finishing shing with Hard times come again no more by a mixed quartet the program was very good after the program various diversions including an egg and spoon race a wash hanging out contest between jos T atkin jr and I 1 Y bigelow etc caused merriment until about 1130 11 30 when the aclair close ed judge E J milne writes the ne news a from elko nev as follows en closed please find personal check for S 2 A 0 0 COT covering ering one ear a 8 sub subscript scrip tion to your breezy little paper it if I 1 were able to collect all of my cancelled checks and look them over I 1 would find some twenty one of 0 them bad had gone to your paper and I 1 hope that I 1 may yet add another score to it |