Show water tax notice t otice Is hereby given that unless the 01 ol water tuxes are paid together with the cost 0 beffie the third monday in august 1818 the city water shares on which the taxes are delan quent will be sold tor taxes ai d costs ix aln nine on the third monday in august 1918 the hours ot 10 a in andje in at the front door ot the county court houe hou e in the city george utah and conten ulna from day to ly at the time and place until the list lex hausted or the tales and costs are paid treasurer 0 alie city of at leoree iame am t 1 too milne ann 0 K 60 john 11 laul I 1 II 11 G 1 jones john J 1 iw J tidd c ampey 1 bleak alice c 0 henry lane 1 john wi braeun james H 1 2 00 Ij ambert ltd and a nd allitt I 1 2 00 ATER jarels Br lahain c 0 ii L jarula 8 1600 james L ak 2 0 alev 50 |