Show dixie pioneer called lovell wyo aug 3 mrs mary Y bridgeman allred a utah pioneer who died here recently was born march 10 1837 in ohio she was the daughter of robert and polly david bridgeman she was carrl ed to john A allred sept 23 1852 and came to utah in david H cannons company arriving in salt lake valley in september 1861 she was baptized and confirmed a member ot the church by elder cannon in juna of 1861 in 1863 the bamily moved to dixie settling first at spring dale and later in Sho where she was president ot the primary association for a number of years in 1892 they moved to hatch garfield county where mr allred died in 1898 in 1901 she came to lovell with her son wallard B allred and she resided here from that time until t ahe died she enjoyed good health jnell the last six months of her life sho was an active member of the church and an ardent relief society worker she was the mother of 17 hildren ten sons and seven daugh ers ten children survive her as follows mrs alice alfford john A allred joseph P allred mrs emma jolley edward W allred william B allred mrs william adams mrs florence emmett mrs nettie borce mrs ira W lynn also 72 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren funeral services were held dundei direction of H cash carlton the beakers pe akers were eleazor asay rastus lynn L john C houston and H C news A A kelson was don from en ter prise tha fora part of the week attending a meeting of the board of county commissioners and shaking hands with old friends archie kalua started yesterday or the linotype school ait san francisco to go by way 0 las vegas and was recalled on account of a letter received last night there would not be a vacancy at the school until tho dinst do you think you have done all that should be required of you when you loan your money out of your abundance while other men give their lives sacrifice little in bulge less save more loun all ou can and then be sorry bod can do no more the western mining industry in all its branches is one of vital importance to the nation and no effort should be spared to see that it re calves all possible encouragement with as little hampering regulation as possible and equitable tax laws utility commissions in all states are necessity for ed rates to save public service in dust rles from bankruptcy which would be a calamity to tho nation hoad maintenance must go on un interruptedly or taxpayers of country will have io pay an enormous bill tor restoration of highways after war sy highway men |