Show ni RA tR AA AI NS I I TIlE E P I j Mako Speech on Jap neso School Children Oco for Vicious As Assault Gaul SA SAYS YS WOULD RUN UNIVERSE c him Wih Violating limo tho CUll lo lie tu Ott tl time Washington Dee manifested In the In the 10 to altion defended by Senator In his discussion today ot of the tho Japanese question lie Ho can contended landed that Ohio tho luther tint reports or Of n ii not le be vIe hated by treaty an any more titan they could he bo I by Congress To sup support port this lie ho cited l eases ues the Iho supreme court ll ar arrayed rayed long long Inel hues of eminent Mr tr alo also gave ae time tho COIS eases and authorities ot of time the outer to 10 tho tile prop le Ho was Interrupted ninny many 11 imi his constItutional argument by who to bring out spec sped no flo point Senator for tor mow inoru Ilm luau nn nit hour HAY EIS m Caustic n of Hoo 11 01 the Japanese tol Ramier S II In tho the Ionato senate ot of tl tilo con coil 1 It the tho 1111 civIl forces or of the tho nt i to lo ho I by thu Mr M said It boo be vcr very to know tue tho I ex exact act of cf ito Ihn II iii thin tho ter or lie he added It II is Ti n luttI lii In view of the lie great reat calamity that ha latel lately befallen time the el It for the tho re tl to cont the ot of the city rut nt this Iliac Ild and to war against t tho them board ot of count county school ff itt Sai Saut l I If there is IR no 01 O pretext which ferocIous UlI can 1 tt In tilt TS lU S Time Tho presIdent II is a gloat I tivo find and judicial lawful and unlawful I amid unconstitutiOnal If H ho he Is of oC tile the Ilea idea that limit ho I is hue tho ol ot of ni of at the tho public ot if the tho various states of at the Union ho seems to bo be Impressed wih with this Idla Idea o In ito tho vel emy last ot of his ho 1 mends the cst cat ot of shooting gallerIes In 11 all of oC tho ho large public ot Of the country wo vo must elthel 11 bure hIs hla mind or of this fancy 0 or wo mu must t lot let hint him Ilo know that we agree nb as to the omnipotence pt of his ton I If hocut take tako of at tho thi 1 nail alil cent conI Ill I tho he state to admit to tho hoot JUp Anomie students contrary to 10 the tho of if California Ito ho coull coltish wih equal fend scud UI us an amendment tO In the Ito Santo trent treaty and tho th ot of tito tho negro ot of nto Into lutto Ito tho schools ot of South Carolina or ot of any ony other state ot of the thc Union O OF TIm U or Of couse course It if the tho people have come to tue tho conclusion that that the tho recommends II Is right then thomi there Is hardly any uro UEe In oily ot of lila his anti Instead or of conferring upon Im tile tho power to give gle ot of time tho state of oC the tho Union wo we might confer him the function ot of hits hIs own pe e views upon the entire state of Ohio tho universe and Ind al any Improvements or In the tho ge oral eral lan of creaton creatIon that ho he tony deem expedient from the craddle craddie to the grave In fact tue presIdent ulon page pago 2 of lute his message anticipates the ald and makes I a ton the state of the tho that tends to In his hla hands hand time the of time tho birth rate rato of the he countr country NOl Now It IC wo we can only nt title this tune lIon b by givIng him him complete ton over the rate wc ve wil wili havo I a rule 01 on which hit hiss ubiquity is 18 whose possibIlities ore time the reach of human Mr Raner coincIded what ho president lund had said 11 lit his tl iii hi praise of time tho Japanese e Ils ills had lie ho wih wIth dur InS hug the tho war with Russia and lie ho thought It a great shame that Japan should have havo been overpowered II iii the tha conference room when miho he hail been victorious 01 out tho ho lie He iro ro ropo po posed el hi h said to dl els the tha present entirely outsIde of tile the circumstances and ond on these two Propositions MAIN PROPOSITIONS there thero Is s no what whatever ever II In them tho treaty wih with Japan that confers the right that the he president speaks 0 of or gives to lie tho of Japan time privIlege that hat It claims lit In with the hue public wih BI eye tel ot of California or ot of an any other state I thero was such n a provision II In Inthis I this treaty treat or any other treaty rolt confer conferrIng r rIng title thIs rigId right the lie treaty would ho b void tad without On ay authorIty upon the lie pat part of tho ho United States to Ink InkI I It antI and In violation ot of tho ho Constitution and the lie of tit government Tue Tho point Involved he said enid enids is s the tho tenth article 0 of the tho that fowers powers not delegated d to lie tho States by the nor prohibIt ell el h by I lb to the tho states state are arc to tolie pie the lie states respectively or to the peo people Continuing Mr lr Daner said The Tue power or of C a state to regulate I its public school system I is clearly alon alonI among I its reserved powers DOWer Have we there therefore therefore fore n a right to provide II lit a treaty limit the citizens ot of foreign shall posses pOReS In a treaty that time the citizens ot of foreign shall In the tho public schools ot of the states that are ure eIther by the ConstitutIon or b by the tho laws o of the state In which they are can canIn In ot of the lall laws alt and ot of n a state then we If cun undoubtedly de deprIve deprive tile the dOte o of every reserved right that It and ro rescind rind annul iA its IlI lairs ant 19 Its COI whenever the they came In Iii 1 t Ih Ith the trel making power I 1 trample upon thIs sip ap palling I If C ever r such 1 a lIe de 11 flu tile this creep IntI Into our decisions It the the to nn nit its features would ni no longer b bc 1 ot of reco recognition I It annul thus charter I it the tho of nt the tho men who trained It I it uld the tho entire ot of lie Instrument 1 and nIl I Would conert us froni n a Int lot lota R a dictatorship with Ih time states In iii sib ab abJect servitude tf to federal power and with the execute executive In practical control ot of the tho destinies of the I lASIS VIEWS I Se Seattle te Dee Dec latest issue leue ot of J Kobo obe herald J receIved In America I h U I t Ih Ies Jorl n II iii regent tt I II I time o of It time Sti fu In I In wIth Ihl II In 11 tsuu R a 1101 tori it IC lt at tM the I th the for tor un on rH units tl ti to him vi mif HC the tho Pai t I Iii I II iii iii Hen on II rota Iii WI wits nho present td d th I it 0 f t c them that th the Jap 1 mind m JI got Wr wet lit t ni 1110 on 00 lisle lows n ii tn Pt enl Lull 1 o flue Chu Ti r 10 11 sr their If uP 1101 II to the tho govern with the tho to enable n bl I it to 1 Ir v nL at n a motile uncut of the tho trouble its In roen lS its possible The niso nho said that general public iii n In w HI as fully II Iii Lal wih time tho attitude o of th g n III conclusion 1111 hl he that tue flutes authorities old nice lt of this to revIse th Ihl federal If Ie n a rOLlO course mu 1 found tl to bo be |