Show INLAND NORTHWEST A tramp was m as killed and an engineer and three other persons injured when two trains collided near lind wash the population of nevada at the census of 1910 was 81 and it is es timatea that it was 99 on july 1 1914 4 indications are that the proposed railroad from new meadows idaho to grangeville Grange ville idaho may soon be financed there were twenty four in the clasa class when the prospectors short course began at the university of nevada at heno reno last week dick noonan an aged miner ol 01 tonopah nevada nerada suffered a broken leg when he was run down by some boys coasting on the street william sawtell was shot and mor tall wounded by rodger M ruther ford at ely both men were bartend era ers and had been employed tn A the same ilace I 1 lace according to the goldfield tribune the mines of esmeralda county ie ne vada have contributed to the income of the county to the extent ot of 42 40 in taxes the past year overburdened by the weight of tons of snow snoa and ice the dome of st james cathedral of the roman cath olic church at seattle collapsed and shortly afterward the root roof of the west seattle christian church tell fell in constable Murtey Mo of eiko elko ne vada has reported to the city officials of that place that during the past week he has killed thirty three dogs the streets all of that were them being without muzzles but one secretary lane has appointed frank E weymouth as chief of construction of the united states reclamation ice with headquarters at denver mr weymouth succeeds sydney B wll wit liabson who resigned to accept vate employment A big tan fan to be used in the cibeu lating system at the new county nigh high school building at winnemucca ne vada has been installed the fan stands about six feet in he and was manufactured especially for the circulating system to be put in the new school building As the result ot of a recent in tonopah in which an aged miner was run down by some boys coasting on the sidewalk the city authorities have given warning that no coasting will be allowed on the main thorough cares fares until alter after 6 clock when the kiddies can have the ent entire ire street release from custody on a writ of habeas corpus was denied by judge ducker of Humli humboldt county nevada last week with the result that dr L R knorr wanted in pennsylvania on a cha ge of fraudulently having ob tamed money from a young woman in that thai state under promise of mar arlage when he was living with his wife in nevada must stand trial west ot of the mississippi sipi river there was an increase of bushels of grain in 1915 over 1914 and it re audred more railroad cars to move the grain crop of the past year than it did the crop ol 01 1914 bulle tins which have been issued by the railroads of the west declare e that if there is the same increase hi the num ber her of cars needed in 1916 it will be impossible to move the crops prompt ly officers ot of the utah oregon sugar company have announced that the bond issue of has been sold and that the capital stock ot of the corn com pany increased the company Is now financed and contracts will be let with in a short time for the erection of the factory near grant grants s pass ore A A mcaulay and D T cochran miners nearly perished in the storm that swept over nevada last week while v v albing from reed reeds s ranch to lower rochester a distance of thirty two miles the walk took them from 6 clock morning to 4 clock thursday afternoon to cover the distance miss myrtle smith living near eureka nevada while returning from a rabbit hunt dropped a rifle the weapon being discharged the bulled bullet entering under the heart and eberg ing at the breast pieces of the cloth ing ng she was wearing entered the wound but were picked out mt from last accounts she was on the road to recovery A do movement was started last week by settlers and land owners on the salmon river project in idaho to pe the state land board to make an appropriation out of the carey act fund of 10 to aid the settlers in litigating to a definite conclusion their differences with the bondholders who succeed in interesting the twin falls salmon river land water co A training school tor for aviation will be established at fort douglas utah next august as an adjunct of the citi zens military camp accord ing to plans of L B mccornick chair man of the aviation committee the lowest the mercury dropped in nevada during the recent cold snap was recorded at empire near carson city the thermometer fell to 34 de grees greas below zero but warmed to only 26 below after the sun came out representative humphrey of wash ington at the request of ezra meeker has introduced a bill making an ap prop nation of seventy five thousand dollars for surveying and locating a military and post road from st louis to olympia alash ash over the route of the old oregon trail fire which started in the basement of a drug store at kal spell mont de strayed the building and damaged two mercantile establishments adjoining the loss is estimated at 20 za the fire followed an explosion in the basement of the drug store |