Show STRIKE ENTENTE LINE IN GREECE bombardment NEAR DOIRAN BELIEVED TO BE PRELUDE OF ADVANCE BY on franco beig an front the french artillery cont its act v ty german p attack on dv ask london the long looked for often offen give of the teutonic allies against sa lonski may now be on or near at hand an agency dispatch from Sal reports that an artillery duel has been in progress tor for two days near doiran where strong forces ot of the central powers for some time have been tac fac ing the positions ol 01 the entente allies such a bombardment might well be the prelude to an advance movement by the and their allies which according to recent reports from the balkans was set for about the middle of the present month but which may even now be in progress according to the message through entente sources reporting the open ing of the bombardment the british heavy guns were dominating those of 0 the germans and bulgarians opposed to them elsewhere along the many fighting lines of the widespread war field few operations of importance I 1 ave been recorded on the franco belgian front the french artillery continues its ac the bombardment being intense in tl e champa agn and the argonne berlin reports cases of sporadic actie ity by infantry one instance being re ported south of la basse canal where the british are declared to have been repulsed when one of their detach ments attempted an advance while south ot of the somme where tl e ger mans made gains only recently the french were beaten off in a hand gre nade attack in the the ger man guns have been bombarding french positions few reports of pronounced activity come from russia of galicia a ger man airship attack on evinsk being the only incident in this war theatre mentioned in the german com munica tion along the lines imes where tl ti e austrians Aust nans and ital ans are engaged tl e deadlock shows no s gris of being broken ger man reports declare the italians are worn out and discouraged by their failure to advance and have lecog nihed the ini impossibility possibility of breaking the austrian lines no indications of lag ging italian activity 1 however are re fleeted in the official reports from mesopotamia the turks report driling dm ing back dac k the british to their tor for mer positions by a counterattack when general aylmer s relief forces at tempted a nearer approach to kut el amara where another british force Is beleaguered |