Show BUYING YOUNG FRUIT TREES should patronize reputable nurseryman and be willing to pay good price by R A colorado agrical tural college in ordering fruit trees to bo planted this spring the buyer should give due consideration to the following points order trees from a reputable nurseryman paying a good price tor same instead of securing them from come agent who has no reputation to maintain the latter individual may sell his trees at reduced prices but the chances are the buyer will not get what he orders send in the order early so that the nurseryman will have time to pack and ship the trees before the spring rush this Is necessary la order that the buyer may receive his trees in time to set them out early in selecting varieties it should be remembered that three or tour well tried sorts of each fruit are better than a large number of varieties especially if the fruit Is to be marketed if wanted for home use a larger number may be chosen new and untried var aties are usually to be avoided As a rule it Is best to buy one year old trees older trees are very often stunted and mis on account of floso planting in the nursery row while yearling trees usually consist of a straight switch with live buds down to the ground such trees may be headed as high or as low as desired which Is not always possible with the older trees BRIDGE GRAFTING OPERATION fruit trees girdled by rabbits may be saved by process cover the wounds with wax where the rabbits have girdled the fruit trees they may be saved by what Is called bridge grafting this con elsts in bridging over the injured parts with scions of last summers growth connecting the parts below the girdle with the parts above trim the bark around the injured parts sharpen the ends of the scions to a wedge shape and fit tightly into the layer of new wood under the tree bark cover the ends of the scions where they enter the new bark with graft ing wax to keep out the air and cover bridge grafting the scions and the wounds with cloth to keep the tree structure from dying out STICK TO PROVED METHODS should be cut back about one half of not control insect and als ease say experts the idea that certain chemicals placed in the body of a fruit tree will get rid of insects and diseases seems to be prevalent among the folks who do not read says denver field and farm several people have recently reported to us that this could be done but there Is nothing in it and the con is not borne out by scientific facts experiments made to determine the effectiveness of this method of controlling insects and diseases have been absolutely negative those who say they have bad success with such remedies have not been people well informed in plant physiology and plant structure and have not conducted in and scientific tests to prove their side of the case the li ties are that nothing ailed their trees in the first place we would advise our readers to leave such cures alone and stick to the well established and proved methods SPRAY FOR SAN JOSE SCALE dormant trees should be treated in fall and again in early spring burn all pruning it the trees are infected with the san jose scale they should be sprayed while dormant once it lightly infect cd but it badly infected twice once in the late fall or early winter and again in the early spring just before the trees start growth trees in toll age cannot be sprayed with winter strength sprays tor a spray strong enough to kill the scale readily will injure the foliage of the trees it the trees are to be pruned it is advisable to prune the trees before spraying as the pruning will reduce the surface to be covered with tho baray and the pray mixture will go farther be careful to bum all the so ai to destroy the scale on them |