Show score one for electric theatre st Georg eUtah the electric theotre tre st george rutih is possibly the only motion picture house the country that ia operated like a real show in a letter receded by the notable fea ture film company this week from W A nelson the manager he bays ane years ago we adopted elih plan alie doors during eacle program we have followed tins plan this is advantage oua especially with features because there is no disturbance disturb ince during the shiow and it 19 so quiet you can gieir a pin drop you see the story from to haisli and you feel the interest of the entire audience when people hive been the show under these conditions they are inora in in seeing alic next one hat kind of an impression does it leave on one to go in to a aldow and see the lithio reals first and the first diio last acgie our patrons the public to know just when the performance starts and bet they arc vc begin it is up to alie exhibitors to make till change because alie people do not understand wo feel thit tins is alie first moc for the exhibitor alio too tin do it ahny iro ill mill to hie other who his dlois but alie exhibitor who adois this plan ia the one who will soon get alic steady customers deseret yew t w |