Show BURTON BURTONS S J lie 1 ot II a nc Be rum entice lIe Is Oct OCI 18 t to start to St Louis tomorrow or Sat Sal tl ti meet thin tho marshal ot or the tho St RI lolI nt tf th the toI court abd him bun to ho IrOn County Jail and amI there berm servin the tho sentence ot of aix Ix months Imposed mo ale said Mid J n B Burton cx x United States Slates senator tonight Mr Burton came to Topeka 10 today ly lynnd and tonight returned to hll home In HI saId Ite he was hero In lag his hla prIvate ant and that his hud bud nothIng to 10 do tb with thc tho pro proposed posed palled scheme to get him n a Parlon It bo be Coolish ot of ni 1111 he said to 10 say f I would not 1101 accept pt tl a pardon everybody mows that I would ha havo no moro more to do with III aCe o than I would to tn toli li my I 1 will say nr that J I do not want II a pardon for Cor I urn torn ot of thu chare on whIch I 1 have hlo been convicted It Is 1 A matter or with rue mo arid amI I to 10 be to go 0 to Jail Ot COurse It if the department of oC Justice I mit have II a day or ortto two tto tl It arrange my prIvate affairs bOo be fore starting to St tonIc LouIF I will take tho time I receIve AUdI fUCh word 1 start rot nt once This lizi not como Caine cis a surprIse to 10 me and nud I 1 toni am Prepared |