Show I SHORTAGE Chief of glI fakes o ot of I mm St LouIs t Oct or of the U e H 8 today took charge of nt the allon into Inlo the tho IId horto O or cit GI OO In lime Iha funds ot of the St LouIs lie Ho D p Dyer Jr the Iho re me teller and held n a eret con cronce for or some time Gideon Vl Jantz the assistant who Is 18 with dIscovered and time was wa Inter culled into Inlo the conference When blot nn and It If there Vero ammy develop In the tho cute ho replied thAt mo ho Just waiting and halt had no hi to 10 make tot lit this time Thomas Thoma J Akins mie cla jo the alleged shortage tie Milt maid that It two weeks In counting tha In the tha and In Unit log a 1 thorough Investigation or of ae act counts Rill monid not until then would It he be whether R a clerical error lint been mal mailet or o whether Is an shortage I |