Show MENAN IDAHO TWO THEN MEN SERIOUSLY HURT HUnT laews Pall Tinier 1 nf ot hurI 1 II lie jr rack rl Special r pone Mf Henan nan Nov 11 11 haul hauling Inn ing In th the Menan nan Milling Meiling stun stuff fo f for about bout II 12 1 y lIr ra vl Lewis B PH PI was a very er badly edly hurt by b the th tipping over ovir of r 2100 pounds ponda of nf 0 flour ur while loading his hi wagon from the th warehouse Mr Pool and Carl earl weep wor w at ath work when h the UI high tack stack of or flour fell hurting burying both men In John Year lr see IPe Ing lna th the occurrence loat lost no Um time In throwing the sack Back off oft of Peterson when the two Yet got t Red Pool 01 nut out but as a hi he himan h hU was man U a ro the truck trucks he h was waa very ry badly hurt hurl He rye If I lo Ita confined lo to hi hill bed bPd and Id mel likely will UI remain main there fur for some time 1 In Mr tr Peterson wa was W but slightly alight ly hurt and k w a at I work John Hawker sa r man men who bO has haa worked fur for the th aam Saes company for lor nev sev never several v er ral eral year wa was 11 seriously hurt by bring being tM crushed under n 1 heavy hay MY rack reek which hr he h and slid t Iw Iwo o other were lifting from a III wagon who con |