Show FINANCIAL LEGISLA LEGISLATION TION In Washington Congress VI re Prompt Relict Rollof SURE TO BE VARIOUS PLANS There Thore wm be Muo Discussion in inThe inThe inThe The Senate Nat Flint ho D l Iff tA l A n i 11 but bet I unruly lC Ibl tl lt on Nov No ls There are so I few fw members I M of o either Ite M of nr Con Coil Con geese gres who wo deal deel directly With h financial legislation in tb ti the city that t It I I Imposer Impossible ble b to make mt sag prediction as it to what wl Cur course financial InU legislate will I take lake t at atthe atthe atthe the approaching session I AU who sr are areher N here her however bw agree tl the u condl cOndI ton tons arc r such 0 that tt M must mul b b be bedone don done and H of opinion favors favor the u view w that th legislation will wi be b met mor l prompt than tl bas baa 1 to fore rOM been b predicted There Ther Ten are various 10 opinions as am to the te course c that tt should auld be b taken some favoring the U asset arm ays y tern 11 under which the banks would b b be allowed to th use Ul the property pr as in I the he bad basi of or credit and others othra the Oe boni J system under which the th batik bank ls issue u could b he enlarged Ia only on securities such uh ss as municipal bonds bond b n with nub U t the provision lon that they the should be b by b the Ih secretary retry of the treasury The rIme h general Idea Ide seems to t be b that the th met mar margin ma gin In of it r flexibility should houN not nOl extend br b bold yond old 31 30 2 per pr cent ont of ot a honks banks k Jr and anti In any ay event th the tho enlarged Issue should be b so ao heavily taxed t as a to drive riv It book bitch blk after lr the emergency I la Is p NO OPPOSITION EXPECTED One reason for far believing there will willbe willbe be b little ItU difficulty In reaching an n agree agreement N ment mint on some an basis bl Is I found rOld In the fa that tl t 14 els el mint meat in 11 the lb Republican party Is III In Incomplete incomplete complete accord with wu the th administration act tion Uon In the Ibe opinion that Ut some setna form fonn of or relief is III necessary fry In th the present el to tJ may y nothing of II possible bl future condition of ot the same sain m character Th The T only OI practical pl ty tr which presents Itself at a this tb time tim Is Isan I I Ia an 8 a agreement art en on 8 Ui t the form fO of ot legislation At the same 8 Urn tl It Is I not at t that tbt anything will wU h b be coan p without witt much In iii I the Ute sea n e ate where If there I I is doubt ami ad all adhere where here hel there are ar many m opinions as am to t U what 1300 10 ThuS T will wi ahw IM be found a there te soro a to 10 crit crt th the present lt condition o on 1 There wW wIM al also U probably be some s oe fl political Tr w discussion It I is Li t not It however that tbt the tE Democrats Democrat will wl offer ner and stubborn opposition eton but will 1111 rather content themselves the In stating th their lr po pa p and throwing the for action on 0 the th pert party pr In power pw That th lb the action of o the 1 aton In coming coining so w vigorously I rh to tl th t U relief situation will be more of the th financial wl b than ample Amle In the th direction wa wad 1111 the universal comment of t callers nt of the tho Ih White Hou 11 house today hi SOME OPINION OPINIO Senator Warren WArn of or situ d that the action taken was vms u y what wait u needed The people n lp at large wIll w now le re 1 Te that there was no on cat for the tue th ranie I and amid d will mill 1 tp t p hoarding their he added add They h f will wll return t tr th to the banks bankit their deposits 1 poU and ld biln ss of or th the country will wi return to t I n it normal con condition c n Business I air ady lamprey Improving dilo lag ing Now It will wi go 0 hal ahead The relief ought to be b almost amot Im immediate mediate ws wait the t p of Rep Rep n Need ham of or I believe bleve C ir will wi take tk IAk up the tb mat matter mattar tar ter of or currency legislation I at et lt once mci e with a view l t some ome om accomplishment which will wl make tao tho h situation able bl of f n Bo SC 8 far a e 1 I have In Ic I n able abi bl to It a the business buln of or o the Ihl country Is lion on ss as 1 sound a ba bl basis U Ua a al as over ever tor That Th t a slight shake hake hf k In th U the of the country should bould cause elJ 1 a In the currency I II Is a u which will 1 need ned careful con carp consideration Warner of or MIssouri If that the beaker will 1 take the Ih canal c bond In a hurry hurr They Tl hate hac 11 i c m in or of Hu tIm Ih lak tak k of or money and alIl d made mad an en n excuse NW to tn tighten up all al over the mae country countr N lW ie v t I dont donl see f whit what ht excuse they ti can cn have ha va tor for not no loosen loosening lag ing up Treasury Ur il I and ant other oilier I h r with national finances t nl th the currency r con n hut the th r country ut are lre a unit uni In the t that tb H Ikey o announce announcement ment that ta he h uld lu eg tl 00 n doO 00 la Ia treasury and U 5 In bonds bond Is a corn com complete co flet solution nt t f the h money mon t fIm Telegrams TIIA received this I hl forenoon at t the treasury from fr loading financier In th Ph great money mony centers Indicate Indal that thai thu l Iw Is I gen general fen general eral and the Ih opinion Is I expressed that thit thata thita a very yer large laie proportion of the th money which ha has teen been withdrawn by the timid depositor will wi now be b replaced III In II the honks bunks and anil ant normal conditions antilon be reached so far fr aa a an n adequate motley money oney supply Is 1 e |