Show EUREKA Them of John Harrington and aed Mr t Ira Anna nna McDonald both nf of Mam Malf moth took place p In this city Tuesday evening nl the hl ceremony c twin being performed Ml lit the Catholic l church by It the Re R Rev Fa Fat ther in lit the presence of a few tew Intimate IliUm Mend of the Ute contract On tract Ing parties pI Mr and Wn Jn I Harrington Harlington n returned mu to Mammoth Tuesday evening where when they the received the of their many mM friend Dr Dir J W arrived In Ku lu U reka evening for tor a few days day visit Malt It with friend Mr Dryborough la Is larom tram rom Washington and anC en ea route eat east Mr Kr and Mm Mrs I C Carr of Pocatello were called hors bare week by the 0 Ie de rope ma lie of oC the former brother Mra Mr e James Jamee Jam loft left on Turn Tue ay morning for a Vliet with her mother and aM ad other motive at st The Knight of at the u e gave a social session at their odge rooms rm I last M evening and a general good time Wes waa 1 had by all the members present preten Pt seat Mate Commander Kelly of the th K O T TM TM TM M was waa present aL at the Ut regular 1 meeting mUn of the lodge and also alao at the Ute social aortal 11 part of oC the program which followed Mr lr and Mr Mrs William Mat Matson on and I family moved to this week eek Mk they th will reside Mra Mr Joseph Joaeph t has haM returned frog her Iter vl visit K to Malt It Like ke keRe Roe Rev Re C C CO g la k I entertaining hla h father ft Kara from Troy H II T Tr Mr r and Mr Harry J 1 Baena Hine arrived here bere on oa Wednesday from Ne N Nebraska braska and will spend apen several days day fI vla vJ hung relatives 4 S Jamee JamN Howl went to tat a on CIA Tuesday Tuc e j Mr Margaret Shea rhea wept went 11 to 0 Ogden OC i Tuesday for lor a visit relative A number of OC Eureka people lle have hate r re to th the wedding w of Or 1111 I F Diets nit to YIN Mia MI Katharine Vane the ceremony to take fake place at et Helms Mi M Miss on Nov Iov fish III Mr Jib Diets feu baa haa many mn friend In thi w city It he having been connected with D n V Reedy ks tt In Inthe Inthe the Ih operation of ot th the May III Day toy dry 41 con IOn IOnI I plant Aura urt or r J 3 F V Smith d to tn g San Like Jak Thursday morning after having spent lIt a fow tow days day da underground un rund ut lit t th the thet Centennial t Burek Kuka mine 1 Mr Matthews Mattheu t who bap ba been In ht harp harge of ot mine it ii tard arrived In hi gun Eureka ka Thursday for a II few lew days ria visit after which he h will go Q to so Prow Pro where hla hp hi family I Ireal M Ie real rotU ling John Jobs Roundy Houdy h miss a p murna urr l 1 l to fI Bur Ku after fter leY yei m a aN Mr N la th uw au oft of her M cht t r Mrm LOS T S M at Ibis wish week |