Show CONFERENCE OF ELDERS Social Miss Ii Olle CH X n Brier 1 Corre H Trovo Prevo Utah UI 4 o 0 Nov No IS A confer cont r of the Ih elders 1111 rt ot this slake auke tt will Wilt willbe be held beld In the stake Make tabernacle at t which Idt It I la expected that Eldir II n 11 ii JIe will lecture in the afternoon on Church written by him Thic lM Br the boot book that ha hu baa been elected tar Stir the t different quorum for tor clau cle cs itly during tIM the tb winter Thee JIll ward of ot Provo Il gave ave a n wet l 1 ClaIM how boa In honor of ot the following re hi returned turned R Eugene Mien Allen AllenC C W Taylor and nd Ben Be and nd a aB ae B e to Harold moot muoI the on eon of ot I I AMator autor Sator Reed mot Smoot who hn will leavo ft evening for Cor III and nel tub I D 1 y C at ut which pIa he be will vIt with and nd will sail all II tro New York Tork Dec 4 tilT 1507 I for lor tile liU sid eld of t labor In UNlIt Greet Britain MI MAVD AUD POWELL VIOLINIST At Ut u Coll oil e ball belt of ut the lutt evening J 1 Pu ell the lady ledy lad violinist ap peard before fu an aft appreciative aJ P and ad en an audience one 0 of 01 the UI treats treat In the tha musical line STOLEN GOODS vout four box boxes of rubber Rood goods con consigned signed to 10 Pork ork were by hy the lect but bUI at t prevent present a plain pIl policeman T J William in tho the Held field t of the city One On of 01 the tb box had bad been n broken brokell Into lIalo but the Ibe were Intact 1101 1 check checka ch are being received by bythe b bythe the farmers farmer who are ore experiencing ex some It m Inconvenience on account of the rule rul by the th bank trank an alt a Mr tar tart an ne anthe nethe the t ready cash cah I III ii concerned hunks Hank giving ing ln New ew York exchange In small mail do nomination for Cor change ill 31 Rita EtIA Uron wife W Brown Dron 1 III Ii In a II vary VIII critical rI II eal condition The rh city cit t tr treasury aury wa was made d a few re dollars dollar richer by the he fines tin of Ut Jones Jon n 27 and nd c Hatch U I for lor or oah li R II In la a R at lit the th dance at the Mil hall Monte Mont Yo n th the champion roller kater nt ot southern Utah tl demon damon that the was 1113 hl hi hll when b n lie he defeated Wayne Wane of or Ino In th the mile mil rico raw held bald at rink la Ia last l t night |