Show for centenarian rather father of Ve Vern malite alite held at springville Spring ville on sunday with relatives end and friends from all parts ot of the state g gathering to pay last respect funeral services for moroni miner looi loo bear i earold ear old church and civie civic worker and fath bauit r of Ms ma ruth ben rion alon of venal were conduced condu ted sunday afternoon from the second arcond ward chapel with mth earl ean 13 Sums loni of the ward bishopric in charge the program included vocal duet 0 my father 11 eva and edna starr invocation george wright vocal solo this la Is my task elvin peterson remarks J emmett bird president of dolob stake remarks elroy J boyer of the m vard ard bishopric lines from the pageant given for MY mr miner a one hundredth birthday read by mrs eva crandall author and director vocal duet our pioneers mrs sarah armsey and MN mr emma eggertson provo remarks alma fullmer Pu llmer representing the black hawk indian veterans original tribute to mr miner given at the birthday celebration read by mrs kertoy cook midvale mid vale vocal duet sunset mrs ramsey and mrs eggertson benedic benediction tim john V Warda worth rive five of mr miners sons sona and one gr grandion andton were the PDA pall bearers and the granddaughters were the flower girls dlack black ilak iian k indian war veterans vet crana and sons of veterans and pioneers and the high priest quorum attended in a body burial was in the city cemetery john S droesbeck Or oro ebeck offering the prayer |