Show vernal woman chosen head of auxilia auxiliary ry mrs eva ashton active officer of american legion auxiliary won state presidency by 8 weeping sweeping majority at convention held in richfield last week V vernal ernal was sig signally nolly honored at the american legion arad auxiliary con convention bention held in la last t week e a at t which over delaga delegates te s were ere in attendance atten Cance representing every legion post in utah mrs eva ashton wife of ra ashton of vernal by a vote of out of votes cast was as chosen as aa president of legion auxiliary of utah mrs corine wadsworth of ogden and mrs W JT J bardsley of park city were her opponents mrs ashton was district president of the auxiliary having been elected last april at moab and president of the witbeck poat aux aux in 1934 35 33 and has beet been a member of the auxiliary for the past 10 years deurs mrs ashton will go to st bt louis to attend the national legion a and nd auxiliary convention held the latter part of september Sept enber besides her many activities of a public nature mrs ashton Is also an active member of the twentieth century club and has served as president vice ice president and secretary of the club vernal Is 13 proud to have been so honored george W worthen former judge of the fourth judicial oi district strict of provo was as elected president of the american kmer ican legion after a close contest Bs besides ides having secured the high st t place in the auxiliary vernal ADS ft a contender tor for the 1938 1936 contention and withdrew in favor faor of salt lake rev george E guild was mas elected secret secretary ary treasurer of a new organization known knoma as the past district commanders association ormed at a breakfast served in the rainbow cafe on friday morning it if Is primarily to amsl asslie the various district of officers ers in bull bullying ding and maintaining their memberships in the legion joe fisher of helper was wa elected grand commander orval singleton of provo grand vice commander and mr guild secretary to serve for one ear of the 30 or more resolutions presented one by mr guild called attention to the tact fact that august 27 makes the anniversary of the kellogg brlan brian antiwar anti war pact and urged statewide state wide recognition of the occasion as commemorating a worthy effort to establish and preserve peace among nations nor should we forget the tact fact that much of the success of the richfield legion convention rested on the shoulders of dr earl lewla lewis optometrist formerly of vernal vernab and aid home boy and his affe mrs ora cra lewis in the auxiliary dr lewis was as elected grand chet chef de train |