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Show Clyde Olson. Joining the group, ; later in the evening were Mr. ; ' and Mrs. Kenneth Okon of Mid-; ! vale and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Thorn ' berg of Magna. j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Long; and daughter Linda visited inj Magna Thursday, April 21 with Mr. and Mrs. McKay Pollock and son Stevle. : Enjoying swimming at Sara-1 toga Monday evening were T. H. ; McMullin and son Paul, Johnny I Johnson, Harold Susaeta, Kent . Simkins, Dennis Scroggin, Mich-! ael Swain and Reeves Dahlstrom. 1 The occasion was celebrating ' Paul's birthday. A lovely lunch-! eon was served at the McMullin i home. i Ronald Muhar returned home! Wednesday afternoon after two! weeks in St. Mark's hospital. All j Ronnie's friends welcome him' home and hope he will soon join ; them at school. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muhar. ! O I : COPPERTON i Ann Diederich, Phone 433-W Bobbie Lee Johnson Ph. 536-W Tuesday, May 3, at Copperton Ward Relief Society will be the visiting teachers message at 9:15 a.m. to be given by Mrs. Genevieve Gene-vieve Gadd, followed at 10 o'clock o'-clock by the theology lesson to be given by Mrs. Vida Poulson. All ladies of the ward are cordially cor-dially invited. Mrs. Keith DcCol and son Robin Ro-bin of Kearns visited at the Louis DcCol home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Poulson were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wil-liam Russell and family in Murray. Mur-ray. The same afternoon they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Poulson and daughter Penny of Holladay and with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth PouLson and family of Kearns. Mrs. Vida Poulson, Mrs. Min-j erva Smith and Mrs. Gwen Knudsen attended a birthday luncheon in honor of Mrs. Dorothy Doro-thy Rogers at the home of Mrs. Mabel Bennion in Salt Lake City Wednesday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Diede-'rich Diede-'rich were Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Uoeflcr and daughter Doris, Mr. jand Mrs. Hans Lawitzki and Mrs lAnna Hoetler, all of Salt Lake City. Mrs. T. L. Houghton returned home last Friday from St. Louis, Mo., after spending two weeks with her daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milt-cnberger Milt-cnberger who were blessed with a new baby boy on April 3. Mrs. Miltenberger is the former Miss :Jean Houghton. I Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Long and daughters, daugh-ters, Linda and Claudia, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Mang 'and son George of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Albert Pollock of Bingham. Bing-ham. Claudia Long visited with her prandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Al-bert Pollock of Bingham Thursday, Thurs-day, April 21. Mrs. Nellie Frear and children, Joey and Claudia, of Murray, fast guest Thursday morning Mrs. Ida Bolman. Misses Claudia and Kathy Anderson An-derson of American Fork spent the week end as guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ed-ward Grant while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson vacationed in La3 Vegas, Nev. Master Eddie Anderson remained with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of American Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gee of Murray visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and family Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Smernoff and daughter Linda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nichols Nich-ols of Bingham Sunday afternoon after-noon to congratulate Mrs. Nichols Nich-ols on her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ball and children of Midvale were visitors visit-ors at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, and daughter JoAnn Wednesday evening. Later La-ter they attended the Bingham high school play in which JoAnn played the leading lady. Saturday evening Mr., and Mrs. Harold Gee of Murray entertained entertain-ed at a delightful dinner party for Mr. and Airs. J. W. Johnson of Coperton and Mr. and Mrs. wt-ie uiniier guests oi Mr. ana Mrs. Tory Tobiason Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Olson and family, Barbara and Kenny of Midvale and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Thornberg and son Brent of Magna entertained at the Magna Duck Club Sunday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. William Sudbury and son Stevie of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gee of Murray Mur-ray and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson John-son and family, Bobbie Lee and Johnny. The day was spent enjoying en-joying boating and ball games. Members of Martha Circle entertained en-tertained at a surprise birthday party in honor of Mrs. Clara Thomas at the home of Mrs. Bessie Bes-sie West in Bingham Monday. Wishing many happy returns were Mrs. Hazel Robbe and Mrs. Margaret DuBois of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Helen Watson of Washington, former Copperton resident, Mrs. Bessie Kemp of Midvale, Mrs. Maude Myers, Mrs Myrtle Thomas, Mrs. Bernice Willie, Mrs. Elsie Partner, Mrs. Alta Boyd and Mrs. Mary Jo Rub right of Lark, Mrs. Alice Brisk, Mrs. Anna Thompson, and Mrs. Helen Sullenger of Bingham, Mrs. Othelia Barkle, Mrs. Lola Camp, Mrs. Mary Zaccaria and Mrs. Ida Bolman of Copperton. A delicious luncheon was served after which bridge was played. Prizes were won by Mrs. Willie, first; Mrs. DuBois, second; Mrs. Barkle, consolation, and Mrs. Boyd, bingo. Mrs. Thomas received re-ceived many lovely gifts. Enjoying dinner and a show in Salt Lake City Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Coleman and daughter Rena Joy and Bobbie Lee Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skinner returned re-turned Tuesday from Long Beach, Calif., where they have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamoreaux for the past two weeks. Mrs. Lamoreaux Lam-oreaux is the former Bonnie Skinner of Copperton. The Study Guild met at the home of Mrs. Lucille Brisk with Mrs. Norma Nichols as co-hostess last Monday evening. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Bolman were dinner din-ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones of Bingham. The occasion honored Mrs. Bolman's birthday anniversary. Mrs. Neva Jensen had as break |