Show MINING MINU PROMOTER JOHN JOHARA 1 ARRAIGNED Denver April John J 1 I a tinning promoter r who was by tb the grant ram jury In cession lit at Pueblo inset week on the charge of U UIn ur In the to isas States Ct Jt Sanford C 0 in thIS thIn city today nud was 1 released leased after n a abond bond or of rD to inserts his hie for Cor In United States 8 district court On complaint ot of James son BOn of oe providence J B 1 L an lion lie at operations was made mad by Chief E I rind and Field Fjeld Jn W T 1 CLegG Ot Of a dor OHorn en ems or more properties which located in III Colorado Colom o and Nevada and wari 1 the dir closed It II 18 that only ant Olle or two gave any evidence of the Valne which had been set forth Iii In Inthe the which WAS sent through the thc mails to In Investors store beg beran n operAtions two years I ago b by the Modern lo Scour tIles and company rind the nond Investment compan both with Irs In Denver and of which ho wee is secretary and treasurer Properties secured by bJ these thue companies for nominal um it is said wert im possession of oC coat panics with 1500 1 shares eAch of o O would ie alteN 1 to In Investors to raise c faunds I Very i lithe el ork itlO jib I meat Agents assert was and that which was wal lone one wars LA tinder the tho sole ot of who charged rates Very ery much higher than the aver average age ICo paid for work meals against other ther pro meters ore reported to tn hlo havo Ij been found by the Pueblo 1 jury but the Cram OUM operations which are e l mated at nr are said by the sm agents to 10 gone BoOne to alone It Is tilt the beginning Ill nt the he of takes rakes paid aid l a of 11 cI It to today n Wc will 11 keep keel up tile cerv of et Is IA driven t to the wall trait There Iii is nothIng that Injures tire till minIng Industry I eo math LR as such sueh fakes and wr we intend ta n rid the country of them theu 1111 n n nr as r lI |