Show JEROME OPENS fOR fORTHE THE Starts by Saying Jury in Thaw I Case Has Been n Fields ol Ro Romance Romance mance for Two Days VERDIcT TO BE ON EVIDENCE TeUs the Jury That Dementia Has no Place I In Their Finding It If Juror n no It ft Is Their Duty 10 So S York April crowds were c compared 14 o that which thc courtroom 1 ors tIlls thIs In on an to hear PLit ALt Jerome un tip lip the lItot S case I 1 Thaw w of o Sta Court not Int until iO 0 tro to ad i ij i j vanco ance r tor began to toi i aul took tl p of iIO In tie to tie 5 o as to be tJ lunon the to 0 b b admitted wh n tho were I ril police however rero lire for liLa rush fiSh and the th doors coors closel fl flut Dut cUd nt rot 1 Iare number o r friends from Into tM the court I room boro that hour Court Ril nl the fhle door doors leading 11 to o tho t to good 1 1 t and 50 o when the main wusI I to trIal Ida oom wa ulmo t 1 TI Tbs small Lu of ci th tho thoI I jl dge bench was lols to Its ut utI I ot t by the thu c tui s of j I lbs ceu In the when Mr eromo ros rose to adles the JUI jury was was j le of 01 jt itt l pl ed 1 In n the tho sene most I o men nid women mado an upon tho In n a last effort to cuir to b bo e alsed Ind and dr drugged sed I I b ck rout the Men with thi anti and thoAt CICI but nl alt in u vElin vElinI aln I FAMILY bout vC minutes tho waa bua oi of tho farni Jy 13 begau to 10 arrive Th Je to JosIah Thaw b the of al Y Yarmouth aDd her hor hll D r I Thaw Thaw ail ond Ei Tl and lb the Mrs Thaw amo I last latU ML rd aiu i dent At tk hI Jelt upon thc ad and the jury wits 11 brought In ia und Hury i Thaw 1 waS cAled called to tito bar tiar JEROME JEROIE 1 or tie jury said sad fr rc e i rome arising when the court had pen pon Ed ci till I can can from the ho pa pa ben been U la have 4 1 cn wandering through n a mere held oe Dt for or tO las Tho ICo oe o i i human being ns s ilot to bo be on premises The Isue herc cannot be determined b quotations the tho Scriptures Yo roi have teen by bythe the coutt 0 make up bour our verdict sole sale I 1 the eyl den ce I JY The Th for tO tho ho have i bad th Ih ot o n a humn Ifo upon them But there lero has been been beena a grave upon the cu HOI The law Is not ilot a cruel low I U does ot tor the mee mere or r punish those who ent rt It punishes to live under It IL Jle 55 It Is that no human tte nta should bl be put out unJust unjustly I I It Is j equally equal important to the In InI I yo 01 and I veli that the LIW Law bo justh upheld I 1 sennemon boe have hud hod no ask U rein jn Iha heat o r the tho battle r he have trans I curtes courtes due to 10 counseL t r twill 1 wl will beg you to I it Ii If In the tho OC lh the court r 1 have huye gone sone fu fui fur i than J I should our have gone In t I certain statements ts Ju In court I I nothing but regret tar I It This Is a a time I 1 roe Cor n to 10 lay our animosities i The he here here 11 to bo 10 del determined erined that of f upon my mv or upon tile tho counsel th the DUT DUTT OF JURY Keep clearly In mind that chIle lh the stand tor Cor the do there thero is another side the thc of the thu people of whom OU are a part This la Is no I action cL on be the oX crl of Stanford WhIte and this I it Is not a a trIal to determine Evelyn nas nasI I i by Stanford I U II iaan an II Is Issue J IIO sue between the 10 people of 01 New ew York ste nod Har That Thaw and nd It Is tu 0 Ie de determine termine Whether what lie he did al just or or r whether ho I 5 be bD Jor I It wi will assure you that not nat upon the I word wInd of 0 tie lie counsel but upon tue Iho eyl t you OU bund bound by your 10 On 00 the tho evidence I IJ wIll wil try Lr 1 lo point out ott tp you that this J crime was ml not or punished excusable une that be leh b be j You are lue nt not to o sy say hat th II mun Is ruIlt ul the him for murder In Is e gree aree bI but t yal you nr entitLed t to consider that I on the tho records they y said the tho m n thorn Lii in char degree him with murder jn In the tho 11 first Er Jer m went Into law covering The various ol Into which homicide iY i divided each IE IE DEFENDANt WitS WAS ISANE U Il you that t s I n ln when h ho White It II Is your dut t to suy sa Ba jl fl I t YOU yen do hot Ilot ilS Irso 50 It El Is h 1 helIse list his 1 crime lle WIl was Justi does dou not mean Amen cane It m An flut when sIti wIts ILls his ii Ills in hil nd I is shot wilh 1 a pl tol hell I so amMo ID 10 11 1 flint at after r Ile lbs 1 the he 11 wn brothin t uv did ao l IL an 10 b called cast of If the Lh Mis Mississippi ON V There r olt ap lt Ii 11 t q o tour four returned b Ir In 11 rc i there wa 1 pot only lre bUt ut n I 10 r 11 in the Ic nd boca ue there wa ae dulun but lID because trail 11 i desin n I merely merely UHf the he heat t ol em I lastly not guilty because fJ or oe In Gentlemen of the 1 II lucy l I Is for coun eL to to ou u ILS eo To la mie thC th tuly ditty thu to rut An upon the In Incourt incoUrt court Coun 1 shOuld not nol inject other things Into this eoe Al An to In Inflame Ilm flame your yur and to In your mInds mom the I In to another nother case II I not considered the the duty lutY et C tn on th Atlantic seaboard You lour cath binds Y you U to t tender n c your noon th nail ut that You must reach your verdict b by sri nn ns u ym I would dj o n n a fn n Be not 11 nn In or r t ti In You tr ore to 10 b the soTo olo rut oe thIs ni ou are to 10 ludo IJ 1 S tho Iho ats You BI must the law ns nB the tho coutt gives It to yell OI 01 OF rt wo w are loll Into tle tho qu que s slon lon tion o o B mpa tb I In I litla tt It cn can bo be pla played t upon by bout sIdes eldes you OU thought t JI fl the widow 1 in fluid Ike bo boy In Bar Bar Barran ran IId r I this this tl that t you BI nitty S see that th ruston question nt M sympathy his has to d do owl with h Ht thC issues Mr Jerome lel next quoted at from th the e of ila the 12 jar jur Q ors remindIng them stem of oaths and th they d Whether you ou belIeve lh the story told tod h by this girl nirl heth a or ant rub be In ho subUro renunciation el UI she made mOlle ol of of mariage marriage our ur sympathies nr tire hound to rs erl hi I m no form or There Is herl here element to arouse yam cur passion You cant help holp tt H nu nut t when you OU oUro to onsIde your our yes Yer you ou must Ja lay It and sl ly y pro ro rocce rs ll Ir J Jerome eromO l the tho qUIllon of r lt UL it vaa such 1 a as as a man would at ct ulpen In to hIs own wn and more J fl m must sl 10 be a doubt of nf which yu you are certin certain A doubt Is Ie not a a more whim On th the oC aC Insanity you u were cor Culy You Yea wor you would not Inject In an Ideas or o your Ct own Lute your ur but lake the iaras fAS as It was akI down to 10 you Yla You swore you would Ou Id accept ept al only that I form 0 of hi sanity which deprIves a a man of o thO the oC the nature and or r hi act or hint I it If is wron You Ton dJ did not swear to bring thie dementia Amer kant into the case se IE A Each lach mention of at d dementIa menta ean aria waa uttered liy Mr Jerome with ii Am men le he Fold Buld h his s no o In your you verdict You wore store to take 10 no than thu tho Jaw uw of o your rou state slate slateD D m IJ Ls the dementia whIch wals otts and glares nt It it enemy for Yeat years mid then kis Ji i waits three Ion ionic y years t nail grows bitter then haunts the woman r whom It t the ot or Europe for Cor two years 1 as ls its re fa that the hIher law lawo l No o thc lie higher law does not bIngo tinder th the hem ICI Dr Df a wo skirt that th thi law which put puL n a woman un u to t tell l ot I har as 05 the ea case lIeto beto cli 1 tl the w lit the hope It will shield a a lIfe the pos oe Just demand demand ls is not tl lice kInd or ar law you yo sloe snore to 10 accept ant and if f you do 1 It men you violate O oaths tr Ir J rore took Look UP the tho eldot evidence o of tho Jcl U upon l the ease nd aid o a th thur thu ur l i moved about ic the roof before ant nOd the Be e referred to the testimony oe oC James CLinch Do you ou Deile and the cas or two mel mail ond a 10 we weman man Than Smith Perhaps Ee 11 mel m my leand learned friona from rom the cement 1 bars it perhaps ho remembers that case of dementia Thaw wllie waLked o ross roof Ind In such f ci manlier that hIs enemy chance todo ten fend himself then turned tim pistol so o close to Stanford lo head that after lD liD IS deill Mr Smith his did not Ir know knew him of the powder marks 1111 ant fled Mcd once onee tI twIce e lh Mv Jerome picked lp up the Ils phi tot tol from the table nd ns liS ho he spoke oe the wards thant b by pulling te the three jimes THAWS ACT DELIE RATE De 1 Ie ho ha shot the man who 0 had bared barred him from clubs who had had ence fram front blot he he 11 loved Joyed and and threatened to tuko ler liar awn away agate and then thon toy my opponent telLs you yoL he stood with his arms extend ed cd A prIest I a JIO I 1 did not net coo anything In the tho evL vL deuce about that He Be held the the pistol up that the people might know that thele would be no moro more shootIng In to pre prevent cn t a panic When lie Ille man arrested 1 him him why h he did ale It the oust oner answered lie ruined m my wife iCe Bo Be did aLd net SE I 1 am m th the of God appointed to ki kill this ravisher of lUt Am AmeriCan erl 1 No my friends this or of clod business s esme Itter after this defendant lied the advice of t friend Dr dr went Into tie the details of th the r actions and words otter tie ike 11 and sid said dId that there thore was not one thing not show and ra ne lie rational he was OS calm w went wenton nt on the district atoro Mr 1 Jerome 1110 made a a fer lien upon Evelyn Ne Thaw to tl her r ly al as time the ong J child hl say sayIng saying Ing ah she seemed 1 always Cd eady to go 0 t to th the humon or who hod stripped he tier of 01 her virtue J stOl story ns as raise Luncheon recess Was ordee It at atIn 1 p 1 In IC to 2 |