Show n S 3 ft ta t look hare bere I F for oj itt it s 1 r af joung doling is here for a short time and is representing the den elal life insurance company if any one ants insurance mr young can furnish vu the best of lifo life inaura insurance nee and ft hat chat la Is more the money will remain ln in rutih the beneficial Is a home 10 company 0 always watch the dargain bargain counter ut lit the coop co op it pays 0 o don dent t forget the merchants lunch served berned every day at the alwilda the best of everything on the market anc corid considerate attention 5 att tf 0 new bargains placed on the bargain counter each day at the coop co op 0 just aniced the celebrated whit ney collapsible co carts at the L 11 II woodard furniture store strayed one roan 3 earling ng steer branded circle L E on left ribs upper bit in each ear one spotted yearling heifer same brand reward howard tor for return to 0 11 eaton baton 0 o WANTED A ten rot free of rent for a farm of 0 acres pull full water right 65 acres under cultivation 35 la in lucern two tio miles from white rocks see john joan glenn he knows 0 the mers shoes at adams 0 got get 5 our dillus at the coop co op they hake haie the haiie ty and the prices aie I 1 light ight 0 to whom it may concern parties olag aning mo me tire are requested to come and settle all accounts lor we are not doing any more credit bu briness buoi iness noss emery thing is cash and low prices bring our oata ta if aou ou tho the money outs 2 25 cv at t on oil acu accounts W 11 II ON 0 hurry up and get some of those thosa ladies and misses winter coats ADAMS 0 now new stock of wall paper 20 cents abolt a bolt and up at the L 11 II woodard I 1 store 0 taken up 1 eay day borso 12 eam eairs old say eft ay lack back branded lay R on left thigh I 1 bay dotso 6 ears old with blotch brand on right shoulder at fodor springs uintah county utah 4 tf t G L BROWN 0 all now new stock spring goods prices right come and examine adams A few minutes delay lit in treating ame rue cases of croup oven the length ot time it takes to go for a doctor cafin proves dangerous the safest aa v is to keep chamberlain s cough remedy in the louse house and at the first indication of croup give ghe the child a dose pleasant to take and always cures sold by vernal drug co CD 0 o big on all mens and boys winter inter m clothing ADAMS 0 sheep twenty years yeara old nellie said to be the oldest sheep in angland Ln gland is at present to fro bs be seen grazing at A lesions park leicester shire she Is 20 years old and has been the mother of no fewer than 28 lambs lamb a LOST droin brown leather demoran duni book between vernal and jen sen rinder please return to uintah oil co jensen 8 ftp read this W 11 II Dur tons big slaughter daughter on glass glassware iare dishes and haid haidi waie will bo be on saturday and alunday of each week until tile the vv op tire stock Is closed out come daxl ajl and let feet your choice for the enllie are going at same old price and every thing is of the best do not dot look the aboe mentioned lays days for bargains phone lor for prices phone no 62 W 11 BURTON 0 I 1 will be at my barber shop in ili naples every thursday and satur day brion goodrich 8 lap 0 FOR RENT cash my luy 40 acre farm for the bear ear 1910 situated at naples good water good land good fruit for particulars enquire of E J longhurst Long hurat or address ad diess C W diabo myton utah 7 up 0 for sale some borne Wian dote cockerels cocker els also will haie hae e eggs g a at 50 cents per dozen J D masse 8 ftp 0 COAL at the north star mine 1 at tile the mine and 4 delivered delli ered none ione better belter la in the count 6 at GLORGE GRAY 0 dab bab carriages au aia stale at the L H woodald furniture etca e 0 the palace barber shop has throe three lav chairs irs baths and shoe shines 37 tf G R SMITH proprietor 0 trunks telescopes and hand satch els at tile the coop 0 1001 1031 between naples and vei nei ml lial in goibe hoi be blanket return to co ot and cecel iee ivo u reward 5 tf D 0 MACKEY 10 wanted to bua bu fresh milk cow would like part geisey no long horn ed stock at this office 0 for sale sow and jungr pigs W S powell I 1 iop 0 the ernal bernal Il harness arness shop for every eiery thing ng is in leather line phone 0 o oats 2 at goo geo K E adams 0 subscriptions for deseret news received by goo geo A davis daris agent 48 tt tl the myers shoes at adams 0 o an attack of the grip Is often fol floied by a persistent cough which to many proves a great annoyance chamberlains cough remoda has been extensively used and with good success for tile the relief and cure of this cough mani man cases hive been cured after all other remedies had failed sold by vernal drug co ca meers shoes none better try them ADAMS 49 tf 0 oil industry in untied states there abc man engaged in tie t ie production of oil lia io the unite I 1 states on whose labor peo flo alo depend and the dally daliy wages arill pil 1 are about or approximately e a year this includes the production and shipping of petroleum peti oleum us as tilso tte tie manufacture ing of petroleum products |