Show SHE QUIT but it was a hard pull it Is hard to believe that coffee will put a person in such a condition condi tion as it did d id an all ohio oh to woman oman she tells her ovi own n story etory I 1 did not believe coffee caused my trouble tio uble and frequently said I 1 liked it so anell I 1 would not and could not quit drinking it but I 1 wis was a miserable sufferer from heart trouble and nerv ous prostration for four years 1 I was scarcely able to be around had bad no energy find and did not care for anything NN as emaciated ema dated and had a constant pain around my heart until I 1 thought I 1 could not endure it tor lor months I 1 never vert to bed excepting to get up in the morning I 1 felt as though I 1 was mas liable to die any time frequently I 1 had fernous chills and the least excitement inguld drive sleep away and any little noise would upset me terribly I 1 was gradually getting worse until finally one time it came over me and I 1 asked m myself self N hats the use of being sick all the time and buying medicine so BO that I 1 could in bulge myself in cof coffeen coffe feeg elt I 1 so I 1 thought I 1 would N see if I 1 could quit drinking coffee and got some to help me quit I 1 made it strictly according to directions and I 1 sant ant to tell sou that change was as the greatest step in my life it was easy to quit coffee because I 1 had the naich I 1 now like better than the old coffee one by one the old troubles left until now no I 1 am la in splendid health nerves steady heart all right and tho the pain all gone xe never er have bave any more nerv ous chills don t take any medicine can do all ady my house housework mork and lime have done a great deil deal beside read the road to wellville bellville Well ville in pigs there s a reason 1 air ier r amil nd the aboe letter A nw inow 0 one e from III time e to ti elmr rby anre r wein ciline true and full of human In |