Show telegraphic BRIEFS BRIEF henry B payne of ohio lett left a for tune lune of three million dollars henry llena lickey of N Y was as gored to death by bv a bull A J hunter abc acc accidentally shot and killed fits ht wife at greenfield no alderman AMeri iian frank Gaz gazzolo of chicago as beaten and rubbed robbed by footpads li L i alder alderman man william daj er of new york well known in politics Is dead A rich gold disco discovery ery Is reported to 1 have been made near grahamstown Grahams town cape colon colony cars pre nrc being sent west from froin eastern market centers to move the western block of sheep two ironclads Iron and two cruisers have been ordered to join the french squadron in the levant william LIb bichop hop a drunken bailor tell fell 81 feet from the top of a cincinnati bridge and escaped injury columbus 0 has been chaben as tile the place of meeting of the next national convention of german catholic societies the tribuna of rome says thattie that the whole hole of italis active squadron may possibly be dispatched to the past east in addition to the fl flying ing squadron already or dered to the levant typhoid fever prevails to an alarming extent in the illinois hospital for the insane at kankakee twenty two inmates are arc now down with the diF disease tease there are more than 2000 inmates in all mrs A barrel barel of no 18 sedgwick court chicago discovered a small closet in a house recently rented a trunk full of dynamite and incendiary docu merits the police tire are investigating Ant anthony hotly dover bovert an umbrella mender i living the life of a hermit and residing in a cave at beaver ralle falls pa lias has fallen heir to toj a fortune of through the de death ath of a relative in france arance E ehll nill lla Ila berland ex marshal of colfax colo Colod ledat the county hospital in iener denner from the effects of a shot fired bachenberg of colfax who Is now in ili joll awaiting the result of an inquest the twice postponed race between the yachts vencedor and I siren were 3 esterday at chicago Clil cago the former N winning inning by about s sn miles the course u was as se seventeen enteen nilles miles robert the pugilist has been arrested in new york on an in accusing him of agreeing to eng engage alein in a prize aarlie fight with james J cor belt rit pleaded not guilt and was held in A call ila hat been issued by the chairman and secre secretory tiry of the peoples party for a blaic convention lit in syracuse N Y I 1 on oil october ilia convention Is to nominate st ite officers and din ilat elal electors the steamship la fretague Bre tague from ila ilare re brought in gold mak j 50 etolil total and arrivals soo I 1 learnold i arnold an artist of black and white was but ned to death at london it Is supposed the bed clothing caught lire fire while title lie aaa as smoking about delegates were on hand nt at the first ses session filon of the twenty first co mention of the international cigar union at detroit fhe philadelphia cricketers crick eters were mere de in the second match with the australians by b an inning and 71 runs the philadelphians ians scored but runs in their first inning and in their be sec c end attempt A vienna dispatch to tile the dally daily news sa s that as an outcome of emperor I 1 rands rancle joseph s visit to bucharest the king of anti has promised to join the while austria and pou mani man i ila liam L agreed to told hold tile the drel bund as asas a acred is whatever liate ver happens in fit tile the east cast ground ins his been broken it new ila ha yen for the construction 0 ol 01 york hall the hie new sheff secret society dormitory y and chapler hoac walh will mill be one of the fight baclet buildings arid and will co boht bt ono according to the terms of the contract the building must be completed in seven months william A little of georgia assist ant attorney for the interior department has sent his res ignition nillon to Cle cleveland vIand riley grannan has sent his tion lion as A member of the metropolitan turf association the resignation was accepted secretary francis has disbursed front from before the interior department williamw william W osborne of lansing mich or receiving illegal pension fees rhe report of tile the finance committee of the board of supervisors of ra r cou count nt N Y baoit dhows s that the short age of county treasurer morrison Is while sinator wiley was aas attending the bryan meeting at point pleasant W vat alb N ife committed suicide by cutting her her mind has been affected fur bottle time lime rhe pope esterday received in ill ou aidt lit citco john A bet sr the ahila elphia brewr who presented his holiness with a large bunt bum of monc mr is a lutheran arid and a very liberal anan inan I 1 lie nationiel Nati onil sporting bluh of lon don jias decided not to offer a purse puree for any match in which corbett lit Is engi ged but should arrange a suit able match M with ith any one else the club will offer a substantial hirbe |