Show 1 l washington n D C olt oi t 2 1 lie 0 tuesday nikl lid beil daina damage at the nilI oTil tars lr is 11 ID tile hicl lit of 0 IV wa s hit let rhe beckton at N cell ceni czerp iter that tin LIM hunks of fallen alien trees lie ile iaross the hie tot loi ills alx lx ill oer the grounds ilia but bul liebb monument was not damaged dini dt maged aged bul there arl hull hill deeds of 0 mounds is nich fiust 1 bi rebuilt and ngien in oak hill cemetery cei neter to frels on each frida of 0 lite monti ment d by b the late W W corcoran to tile the of john howard davne cavile author 0 of I 1 1 home S bleet beet home were torn lorn up b the roots but fell in buth but h a baj a as rot to injure the monument at the soldiers horn hom cenit Lter berj thirty beautiful trees treat mot moa of them which hac base milli stood ilia ile of more than fifty cars car leave laid low loa three hundred breeb hive blen comil ed ad fallen in the soldiery ert lionie ionic grounds and gen beanley stalls thit ali at with willi the present force at work ork upon the grounds it will take thrle ears to clear up ill the bruah in some s lit in lie ide came teries tile upturned roots ot of the tries irtes bro brought tight alth thin thain portions port loni ioni of 11 I 1 c os cis bets anti and their ind hid been interred in this vicinity |