Show 7 go ro to WHITES place every suni un t for or ICE CREAM CAKE j ME JQ JAMES 31 D reea branded J on left thih thigh also J T on loft thigh S 11 clr 60 e little banh creek post poat onice arl dresa ashley ill Co T A tinty utah SUMMONS in the justice court Ri verDale precinct territory ot utah county 0 of uintah fa 8 before el stewat jui justice tice of the leae john moyes plaintiff plaint lif 1 va complaint coin plaint for trespass john doe doc defendant the said paid plaintiff being first duly sworn on his hie oath says saye that certain animals to wit one bay colt two years old having a braid on left thigh resembling a sloping J with c attached at the top alo two brown marea 8 or 9 mejra old branded R on left shoulder one with colt and the other with yearling sucking also branded the same as mares on the left shoulder now in said bald precinct on the first lay day of august 1891 at Ri verDale pre county and tc tora aforesaid beo belonging nging to john doe defendant unla unlawful bil y ed on the property of A dd aid plaintiff by rinsing on grain and lucerne to his lamae in the on en n u or of seventy five centa per head bead that 0 o part has been alid john boyc plaintiff jf if the ahova an lin ils are not clai claimed ined on or before august angust 15 aist the 1891 they will be sold bold at my 1 aiace P place of rest resi bence at 2 p in thursday the of august Iti 10 gust to the highest bidder for cash the above complaint subscribed and sworn to before me this ard 3rd day of ng 1891 HALI ELI STEWART justice of the peace fit fate r BOAN cattle branded as aa above on both sides square crop and split both ears ear range brush creek post office I 1 address vernal uintah county utah I 1 wish to announce to my patrons that I 1 have lately taken the agency for the celebrated DERRING binders andors and joty STEAVEN NEW FARM WAGONS aw A C K M SPRING WAGON AND BUGGIES in the lindof line of merchandise e I 1 am ain selling best roller mill flour for shoe and climax tobacco 55 cents por per oatmeal 10 per pound telegraph matches two boxes for 5 acts cigarettes 54 per bunch tea peri per pound best castor machine oil per gallon bacon fine smoked stilo ked hams lard tobacco and all othar goods in proportion always ownys giving lilg highest hest marl market et price fo for r and 5 per cent discount for cah T T TT T lilno law r P 11 JD U T L R P pj JJ dutott s calle attended day or night office on vernal street next door west of the coop co op W 11 P A it K S PHYSICIAN AND SU A L dej U no office at dillmann Dill mane drug store vernal utah A W fillah WIN 4 01 maw t office ce vernal street PP was ca y L ti I 1 va I 1 L I 1 N a M im a AT PION HER LI AND SALE T CI CHOUSE HEN noiD THE BEST GOODS ON EARTH Is what everybody says of the deering mowers and binders the new stevens wagons ludlow spring buggies and other fine artic les in the same line sold by sidney sl dhuy stevens 84 and uncalled unequal led in utah JOHN GLENN I 1 is s the agent call on him if you want full value for your money B L I 1 T iw at hatches old shop vernal having secured sec aired the thes vic of ara an efficient effi clent blacksmith and wheelwright froni from the eart we are prepared to do your your work in the quickest pickert pic kest time and neatest auner in two ores ires running every lay day DUOS ha ivi I 1 T everything in our me llie v 01 tao fresher ar aad b bil mit daija st |