Show EL ELECTION I 1 electing 0 os party pany line in iii utah is i I 1 iu L iy ay y goaec is 4 decidedly A ui to ty pc ix i i i I 1 t I 1 f i tl lio democratic the rho election 1 of I the tie socratic no cratic ticket in this county i what vc expected T ta i 0 i 0 OIL t taiti r wo we wish some good de would 11 I 1 1 gwei ai how NV was IS it that up to S aulday night or sunday ni morning orning not a word was S lit Ilin 1 I st NV 0 A smoot jr as councilman councilinan lie he was vas represented to us as it a vera vei estinia estimable ble man alona monday chy ho he was 11 ni 1 M 4 1 I jy altho loll ih ome who 1010 L s 1 10 1 v t j leri was as a cli ch gnp inge in ill aff affairs airs i sio v voll to hii while eldrado Eld rido a pu ali a bev ved a nii nia joray WG we would like an answer from a t 1 0 1 11 i ii I 1 I 1 cro oln in r ilem emo erat ony one who believes 0 n i A biow in ill the gl M ios ions principals of de 10 1 jid rho aio at the last election eui cui 1 ta ii t uj aito ito luc 14 ait or each nominee no ai luce 9 1 0 I all E 1 11 WP son 1 ian who konug 0 was rj Tu clui eoa 14 ia 6 cuc chu ladle gladle 1 of democracy and i is ro roe ki kii irr please tell us lio ho v this t ajl sudden djeu C clane A of nominees took e tarr has beon been fealin apro aarl throughout the he cadrain cam carn rain but titter after viii tiu r the polls poli we vo f bee became aine co 11 vinced t aaa of a fedov v po cities dou doe ciol w anuci troubie th the voters 0 of uintah L coulty ta in L vernal nr 1 ina out oat od f registered roistered 0 ered vours only 1 ah bored 1 were vore cast a i rendition rondi ron dicion tion of tint saks hi yh ly of the interest ill m locel and territorial fairs t felt alt by the voters of the conaty we ve wre were on calv the puls a diw V L b J we hw 1404 enough M 01 til t colIA t u tivit taru the avor ar acre age vot voter laj back i i jj j 1 ajit ra V diu lag 1 4 elier he f fc cut capable of judging this the me inc As U of the di lerent derent dif nominees 1 in some in I 1 stance teran an acquaintance of many or he ack the moral courage connage that would en mole acle him to cast his bis vote without asking auy man inan well what do you think who would you vote for we do not blame blaine those who electioneer thy thoy baut some something alli ng d done one 1 and I and work for it the following is the result of the election ut tot vernal ashley and mountain dell selectmen billines Billin billings 0 ps AL John johnston L johnson S D colton colon 2 john reader header 49 school supt bupt defriez dillman precinct officers bastice of the peace D holdaway 90 hullinger 74 constable coils fa ble haight kempton 61 eldridge Eldrid 0 gc tt a republican nominee for councilman receive votes in vernal and ashley swoot smoot a democrat 55 boyden de din deja ja socratic nominee fur fr representative received in the same p precincts acci i acts votes haynes and perry liberals received 18 aud 20 votes respectively ively with the exception of eldridge Eldrid gc the democrats t the day d ay without any trouble and with much rejoicing but honestly now gentlemen what about Eld eldridges Eldrid ridget gc dont all at once |