Show lingern singern SIn gera take notice the following hymns will be sang nt at the comido conference E emory mory arr p 23 in Psalm psalmody oey tt 66 4 cannon is 1 I elliot g it il celebration Oele bration 11 11 1 1 strength 11 11 46 america 69 tho the ea earth rth is ia the lords american oh praise the lord all yo nations american 0 come let us sing unto the lord in song king general practice will commence saturday july 22 at the stake house george wardle stake chorister notice A special mooting of the stock hold ora of the he ashley upper irrigation on oo co 00 at the ath ward school house at 2 on tho the day of july 1893 or tho the purpose of nf amending tho ar teclos of incorporation azid and bylaws by laws to maka thorn conform cOn forin to tho bonta of tho the territorial statutes by order of tho board of Dir octora 7 P RUDY BUDY soc see for W two town iota on oa fiirst ty log lg hm wave and fow of ff apfl waro mi call ier for tem si at altier aar sahwn basw kotiw to tue ij cwi iwi jue BW will mil ie h M e canty fito effim 1 m i n aim until tea te dk a M sf of july mb for fairfi maw 11 1 hi ng MAA I 1 aminy with mth biow st of 3 r i to boea li jwj IV t ulu wh mu ibe by drw eieg at i the tf COMA my 1 e m W amsy amm lumler to be ma or before ore september Hep lt IM IW for par pAir enquire um of comity i ity mirk B 0 clam P at ikirt camat hows the ic can m ty tue taj ight I 1 iff rit any ai W h jr by order of d the cart B 0 aws awk 16 1 6 lu ibe bonef oraf deml pj Amt it L 01 chap U 5 A D ky A taH veram IV T brown de defenda fendt tow to 17 T T brown gricia gri cig you douar adji ar Ifie reby zuM moviA to be and apptt r at the ened ai t my office ill uintah bunty Cu nty uth utah territory to answer a complaint filed bebin by bj am aad within n fire days exclusive of me d sy of service ol oi tha summons if swerved on an you jou within vernal precinct within ten days if served on oc you outside of el vernal pre but within the county of uintah stud twenty days ays if erred elm elsewhere said action is brought to recover from you u th aim sum of 1200 twelve dollars dollan ag a due for merchandise diw one suit of othos that said money is is payable at jerual utah that the aune it is DOST ISO DO ST T due and payable and no part of sove claim las been paid and you you 1 are hereby notified that if you fail ail to so appear and answer as above required tho plaintiff will wil take judg against you for the amount claimed ind and attached and cost of suit to the marshals or any Con constable stame or of said county Gr greeting esting make legal service and due return icyreon given under my hand band this day of une A D 1883 1893 R C CAMP akur if S coin commissioner in missioner iss ioner notice for publication tiou no 1790 AT SALT laix cirr UT UTAH tu loth 1893 M notice la Is hereby given that the following named settler ettler haa baa filed notice of his intention to make maka final roof in support of his hl chalm ana that said aid proof will rill bo male befaro the Pro probate botte judge of guintu county bounty at a aihley utah on july 11 IS 1 1893 viz george E H thorne 11 II E R for the th VV 12 1 2 8 NV 4 4 see 4 N 13 1 3 N W 14 1 4 see sec 9 tp 5 68 S R 23 22 rut he names name the following to prote prore his hi residence upon ind of sald eald liand bald vs chii william 31 idelar george beelar W T clark ad john T chlvin all of vernal utah FRANK U D register 11 ty 5 25 ip 6 29 DESERT LAND FINAL PROOF notice for publication no 1879 1079 AT SALT LAUX CITY UTAH may 2 1893 noves Is 1 boraby given that alice devenport hu haa ed notice of i nto ution to make proof on her desert nd claim no 2589 2 for tha W 12 1 2 N 35 4 1 W 12 1 2 ae S E 14 1 4 1 N W 14 1 4 and 8 IV 14 11 1 4 1 soc sec 28 tp 11 it 83 E nefora cottuly dark clark of uintah co at M ahloy on th le day of july 1693 she baum the following wit neame to prove tho tuelete tu irrigation and nd roola matlon mation of bald land harry of vernal IT P chestnut Cheet nut jonsen Jon pen utah allory ley lea thomas BrA brakeley bradley kIley of rowna abc utah uta idank D moan stor fajt fl 1 ll 11 7 G |