Show THE ANNOUs of FOURTH at daylight 1 glit 1110 ih by the phlin of 25 2 lb IN of dri dynamite amite in fil five ve of five each chieh nado the di cit iea ami of vernal wall up tip mid realize that annive mary of tho birth dy day of 41 ehte ah mit ae w wag at band and would bo b mcaraw by the ve C au nty in a maimer bonfitto ba bon fittin fittl i ng the ay brwn mae in no ond ton ion dk iu lit the ibe f fore an ft a pr areia eia WOO w foj fomick fit at jab fill C 4 4 with tte theune adam cornet abd ell j lad followed by the 6 goddem of Liberty who wao rep tried by by ll 11 little darls birb V who reprinted mod the 18 13 0 original NJ nat states iii the wa 71 1 tit mry emy respect arpee T tito next t in in orar were r tw two liitle boys young amm america ca then ihen utah ws was rp rented JOB maud davisa on home horseback awk P escorted by two young men who held a banner over her with the name of the territory on it it next came tile the 44 14 young ladies representing the 44 14 6 states ts coo who cannot be complemented ted too hi highly I 1 ehly on their appearance pe arance and their I 1 prompt promptness neEs I 1 in u beling being at the place of starting ng ready to take their place in the procession ion tit at the time appointed mrs M K A workman came next with a display of millinery goldsand goods good sand and was the only busl business i ness house represented ri following ol lowing mrs workman camo the Horri bles representing adams baud band utah by rec hec goddess of liberty best crop and fi several everal other representations too horrible bor to mention the procession was a success the M marshal arshal of the day and his assistants keeping the best of order after the parade thore was music by adams cornet band singing and speaking at the bowery until noon in the afternoon athletic sports for prizes were indulged in tile the fire works in the evening 1 were very nice but an accident 1 happened which destroyed a good many of the best pieces a rocket flew back and ignited about one third of the whole outfit and for a 11 few minutes hades popped but fortunately tuna tely no one was hurt early in the morning wagons carri carriages agres and othor other vehicles camo rolling into gewn loaded with people to see and hear the exercises everybody seemed to enjoy themselves them sylves and were well pleased with the of the lay day the members of adams cornet band complimented 1 2 ted on every side aide by the people for the musical ability falows by them for so short a time for practice as they have had and if they improve as fast in the future u they will bo be one of the best bands in utah before many maity |