Show N OTICE NOTICE 1 Is is hereby given that bid for the making nial icing and burning of brick 1 will bo be r received vy by the trustees trustee s of district no 5 0 I 1 uintah co at the residence of robert robe rt bod lily until 1 noon of ofine flie dayo f aby iny 1893 1891 mien acu all bikis bids will ivill be opened aba award of 01 contract tobe to be maide to f lie lo 10 lowest nver reson 11 sible bulder biddow the be trustee reserve the nit to tb reject any or alib alibis ali bids idl s alao to raise the number to to if I 1 nece necessary esary for further fart bor particulars onI enquire nire of the under signed pl T ril of robert bodily S 1 col colton toll school dit ditko xo 5 1 N jacobbi Jac AA THE HENROID SALOON SAMMY HENROID proprietor ETon ours iq iff a complete stock of fm W ay tny aar T the public can always expect fair treatment and clean gods go ds advertised LETTERS t list of letters remaining rema remaining inin g uncalled for in the post office at vernal uintah county utah mar march eh 27 1891 james gilbert james 11 1 1 harper cyrus kendell rosella moyes mary mcclemens Mc joseph packet Eack et james 0 peterson eli wilson jam james es coon albort albert wilkins Wil kine mrs martha wall i eliza eliz a wood t persons calling for the above letters will please state they werd advertises W 11 PARKS PHYSICIAN AND v SU e ilk U acx aa EON f j 0 lne owe at Dill dillmann Dillman mant ff mm DUI floore vernal utah MRS A I 1 P IS NANCY HAWS tf WS 4 teeth extracted without pain or i fiet nath of teeth anve to m cider der s P of Si saidea ideA cywie c BROS MAW everything in our line of the freshest and best main st P IL II BUTLER P ati calls calla attended day or night office at amr havi dental parlors S P DILLMAN PIONEER DRUG TORB druga medicines millinery and fancy goods fate BOAN blittle cat lie branded above oil on both sides squam crop crol nd both ears range bresli creek poat dedet gareta dereis Vern 11 uintah county utah PIONEER LIVERY ANT BALI anra tat ti A JAMES JAMESM M I 1 horses homes branded J j on left thih nigh also i J on left ess hane little alm ilm nih th crt ek pot post ohice addre ia achoy atah I 1 alfh |