Show SYNOPSIS OF GENERAL LAND LAWS OF 3 1891 section 1 repeals the timber culture act saves tile the right of all ail existing entries and gives a r right I 1 i 0 of commutation to those who have for four years in good food faith tried to comply at 1 25 per acre section 2 provides modification of the des ert land act providing fully for actual reclamation lar la of the land antei entered ed and preventing ac accumulation of the laud land a saving of all rights under tinder exis existing dug entries section 3 enlarges section 2288 revised statutes by including or ditches for irrigating purposes section 4 repeals the preemption pre emption laws with with a modification of the homestead law and with provisions more inore stat as to proofs at entry and all final proofs extending the I 1 commutation from six to fourteen mouths months sections 7 and 8 provide details as to final action in the interior department un final entries and provide limitations a as to contests and suits to cancel patents the latter I 1 at five years as to patents now issued and pix six as to future ones ant and provis provisions ioas no aa to timber trespasses section 9 prohibits offering of public lands at public sale hereafter er thus preventing PI private 1 vate or cash entries sections 10 to 17 relate to lands in alaska for their acquisition for manufacturing and commercial purposes und and for town site section 17 allows mineral entries in iki addition to 10 the maximum allowance of acres allowed by existing law section 18 19 10 20 and 21 relate to ditches and reservoirs mid and providing for their construction st section 23 cures defects in in the titles or of settlers on certain former indian landi land caused by different rulings of the department of 4 the phe 1 interior section 21 anth authorizes orizes the to set apart trust reserves where to preserve timber he shall deem it advisable the above as n S will be 13 3 ozni is ia only an outline of th the nav nsw ian landl levs ke week M we Q will print one on or cr tv tavo 0 s sections of the I 1 laws as a s and so 0 o conti continue nut until all that will b bs of benefit to people here a c print printed d it I 1 1 Is i important apor tant thai tha people to abe up laud land should know for the requirements of the law and not dept nd upon acme one elje ebo for their know knowledge leIge boulo you 1 z well ell solved served erve clerve jour self ia b us is applicable in a ni matter kivitter of this dra kenil as in any thing else we arc am indebted to sir black fora for a copy of laws jaws |