Show UTAH MINKS SILVER FOR THE mallion we have before us a eel ol of assay by theall and co of a specimen of ore fi aiom otil t the he emeile lead in arst about twenty tiar e miles ties west of G S L city which exhibit the following follon ing fetui n precious or pie cious metals to tho th ton tt z gold GO 60 i afan ounce value 12 40 silver 57 70 00 ounces alue alin 75 73 42 total value pur per ton a as s per essiy sly 87 42 this is an excellent return bioni the cropping rind and then iben coic 13 done on the claim it to yield handsomely we will vill be pleased to tomake make note of reliable assays essays of other mines in the Teni tory now in process of cevelo development ament |