Show A bit of news for our city readers they sylve inac a funny way or of doing some things in utah in which aich t to 0 the sli anger is novel least now to one who ila has to sty py the very ver witnessed vitt lessed an election not liot in the bloody I 1 distal distil in I 1 new yol boik k or N who bo has cb chanced ced to he be in san francisco on the day of a primary to sly nothing about 1 a I vencial election it would seem incredible if he be bad been in silt like dinin dining thu the past month to tell him that municipal election lal been a mot important held in tact fact wo dont in the least doubt allt n when lien this paper r iches tile the c fc 0 of tile the I 1 oldest t inhabitant at his matti meal ile he will ill laho his spectacles several inches a bove above ill his nose and letting them lest iest placidly on his bald p tte exclaim is it possible betsey or know it jeminia jemima 2 whereupon my ca e es cs I 1 lid did you betsey and jeminia jemima unless they are abi cu der and better posted than nine tenths of our mile lic population will answer la me its ill the fit fust st I 1 heard tell of it IV lien we e announce os as ii we v now do on fit alist st rate authority tit hit it ii within thin the last two ii weeke eel 1 a I election 1 his I is been held at i which bich our city ahu ind and all thu tho b it cincu of th the acle ucle chozen chorn we c think aie w can aie giving giOng tile lie city folks moie neus tit thin in has been cont title lined in it tile lie to t for sei levei ei it al dis WV W must it was nal to us its and nv u try to keep a shall look out for pissing events we never once dreamed die amed while th the town through for a iam of news tint on oil one of the blight dis I 1 a fol tillight past nn an election had bad come coln and gone and the destinies of the city committed to the hands bands of the elect ot of the lilt people for or a ii whole bole 3 car yet so it was as the canvass was ia te sing right under out nose and ii wo e didn dian t ei even ell smell a wice mice somebody was nominated for manor ma vor and alavi in in and constable etc by somebody th the polls were open on oil sonic some day some soine b illets we suppose wen cast for somebody by somo other body all equally unknown kilo it and th hit it somebody or those ome onie i badics ei e declai declined ned ed by tome i somebody oine body as duly elected by tho free of a diee people and so tho tiling thing magall ill overdone over ov rr done illa in a most t ais s easy as rolling off a slippery log on a sil slipper bank aie alist wo nio of the event wis N when bell a 1 lay day or W two 0 ago one of our oldest and most I 1 citizens citi ens hailed flailed us in tile the sheet stice tand and colea us its roundly for not letting tile the voters know that an for city s w as coming oil he said lie ind bov e d ft n I 1 vow ow to vote against one man mail in who lie hid bid been elected but lie had just learned tit til it tho file election ind been held a couple of N weeks beeks ago and lu he hid not cast ills his vote note our only defence 11 was as that if lie he an old 1 ubi dent and legal v otei etc and na withal ithial ns its intelligent and IN wide lite aw ike a saint as any it iu the Clil chuilli Chui liell cli find fand out when el election atlon came lound how the deuce delice could NN we 0 i we have made as to when hacic anil by ni bom the polls N bic ci c held alio u ho anas as elected and villo lw 1119 in but alus far 11 ai aadil ail wu we lillibell lil liell doubt it il a nore of inen in ill tile city knew anything about tile th c election at all and AN vc e 1 K g av aru cli copies of the il my auy boily boly 11 out 1 I tell us bow many i otes olca I 1 el c ct cist on ell tit it ill im 1110 to day we slIp Pole alio theold old city allelo le elected for tit tin insult f g 3 ear at ifan if bod boils voted and of bourst lie he at least did vote and ot of alki election but liow how the deuce dence thu thin could b inin agol so quietly or i ither how it il i hould happen tint soi boly beal beai cabout it is tile 1113 arr to tons us in biot trine is 15 Is neuilly hublit of an election but hele abel was wason none avi laps it s the arst ay iy Y after till all or tion ble it ull all which anch soine into p airty or pi isonio i ancor it 11 nafis abaiy y a agota ago g tl leal of hisky di aling it ayi s lows ws atthe at the 1011 unit and blacked c yes alad brokon the ne at day it dors away awa TI 11 antl and public Illi bIle beings me ings unil and si acl dk es arioto opposing ig cand 1 li I vs ca it seius 8 many a t clity alty la it u IL alolu clug on tle the SS 1 at 1 1 that t it c ng candidate has 11 a little gh gill I 1 sit at home just albut ab as big as you 7 and 1 a I thousand other little things incident to which ai cabout aie about played out and then again it is solacing to the candidates they don t have their whole citory ln atory hunted up lip by opponents and lorty forty separate and distinct lies told about them these are arc some of the ben benefits crits it lie aiom the way they do it out in utah which commend its much to the quiet astern stem in I 1 vogue As the stints S lints probably haven t taken out a 1 I 1 light ight for tile the easy cagy method of election we ic suggest it to out oui noisy friends both fast east and west as possessing many advantages over the old style but still our silt S ailt lake lahe filand insists upon it that lie he had A light to know what was going on and of aly ing im to defeat a certain candidate on the ticket we bade him keep heep quiet and keep a lookout and promised to give due notice ot of the net election in 1865 when we rind find out chos i ito Is who in lie and what i hat i we e will print a list ot of the elect at the lite late election |