Show CIRCULAR DISTRICT OF CAMP U T A april arit 1864 district the general genera I 1 commanding tho the district desires most fully and explicitly to caution the soldiers under his command as to their course ind and bearing towards the people of utah lie ile has baa seen with just pride that officers and men during our sojourn here have manifested a 1 oper spirit such as becomes soldiers of the nation and have refrained in general cn cral from retaliatory measures or conduct condu ct under provocation butche general is ia apprised that itis the object of if the teachings of many of the leaders ot of the people to wean them irom from their love of country a and na in their hearts bitterness and hatred toiv towards aids the soldiers as the representatives ot of the government bad men have sought and still seek to educate the mass of their r follo followers vv 0 rs in constant lessons of antagonism towards tov ards government and lead them to tb the 0 VC very ry v verge C rg c of openhanded open handed treason by covert sneers or bold boid denunciations that these efforts thus far have not been followed by their legitimate if I 1 not intended results resul ts redounds resounds red to the credit of the people aided by tile the bearing of the soldiers of this command it is howel er cap bially enjoined upon soldiers officers and men that they refrain on all occasions from in any shape with the rights of peisou pio property perty or liberty of the inhabitants of utah AS well because of their duty to the go eminent con constitution tit ution and laws of the land as because or of justice to a whole people somo some of whom indeed may be m misled is I 1 ell by evil disposed persons in their midst it is 1 ever to bo be remembered and cannot too fully bo be impressed on your minds that the military forces were sent to this district to protect und and foster loster your every interest under the broad panoply of our free institutions eulying on the intelligence intelli genbe of the mass of the people to counteract the evil influences ind and unpatriotic counsels of evil disposed and ambitious men anxious to retain their hold on power and place tho the soldiers of this com in ind aro are directed to abstain from retaliating in kind for the real or fancied illi injuries received at the hands of sonic some of the iho people it is baat hardly d 1 Y deemed necessary to repeat to you that th w ith it the private relations domestic ces methods of belief or religion you have nali naught glit to do in your capacity us aa soldiers of th the nation however contrary these may seem to us whose history habits education and daily n alk hai ha c instilled totally different and repugnant ideas it is not our province to reform by violent measures but to protect all so long as they violate not the constitution and laws of the country in manner subject to military na laws no officer or soldier of this command will therefore assume to right real or imagined wrongs among or by the civil inhabitants but in all such cases will report the facts to to these headquarters head quarters for such buell action as nay may be deemed necessary or proper interference with civil authorities or persons persona by subordinates will not be countenanced and is expressly prohibited except in those special cases heretofore explained and set forth in general and special ciders from these quartets teis relative to treasonable language reservations and vio violations latiC ns of tho the regulations of military y fully live alive to the rights and interests committed to his care your general will ever tale take the proper measures to protect the one and advance the other but he degiles to you understand that the residents of utah ire are entitled to and should receive the same protection and courtesies courte ies which the american Arla erlean soldier ever extends to the citizens of our common country by command of brig gen CONNOR CON if G A A G tt S V |